The Wiers family are good people, Marc. Tom (hubby) and his family have known them for years. They started Dutch Maid in the late '70's with a few trucks, and have around 200 power units nowadays; trailers all reefer.
They are right up the road from us; 224 (main thoroughfare, out here in the country, haha!) in Willard, Ohio. Not sure who they run for anymore, customer wise, though. Some of their units are not the newest, per se, so....PRETRIP and POSTTRIP for sure. From what we know, good people, good company however! (Say hello to Luis for me, if he's still there!) << Trainer or T/C if you will.
Also; they are right around the corner from PAM and Decker.
Hope this works well for you, Marc. Elaborate how you came across this opportunity; wouldja?!?!? ;)
Best wishes, for sure~!!!
Hello Tom nice to meet u here. We talked about Dutch maid on trucker report forum yesterday.
Posted: 4 years, 12 months ago
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Looks like Dutch Maid Logistics 3/2 or 3/9 works!
Hello Tom nice to meet u here. We talked about Dutch maid on trucker report forum yesterday.
Congrats to Marc