Profile For Tanner B.

Tanner B.'s Info

  • Location:
    Olympia, WA

  • Driving Status:
    Company Driver In Training

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  • Joined Us:
    5 years, 3 months ago

Tanner B.'s Bio

Took me five tries... but I finally achieved my first goal of obtaining my Class A CDL!!

Currently en route to drive for May Trucking Company in Salem, Orgeon starting March 3rd, 2020!

28 year old former Navy sailor who likes to drive and wants to see the country before my time on this earth expires.

Drive safe, y'all !

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Posted:  4 years, 11 months ago

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PLEASE HELP!! New to Trucking, need advice!

Thanks to all for your positive feedback and comments, i appreciate everybody who gave detailed informative responses and the constructive criticism to boot!

I ended up taking my CDL class A test with Washington state DOT third party tester and failing my very first test because I left the truck running while conducting my air leak test.... whoops them nerves got me! Less than two minutes into my test I failed and when walking back from the test site to the school office I realized my mistake and laughed my ass off!

But then I struggled with my backing the next 3 tests and was starting to think I couldn't ever put the damn trailer in the damn hole!

However on my fifth test, I finally passed all my backing and by then it had been about a month since I finished schooling and last drove, which was a bumpy ride. Somehow I passed the road test and on February 5th I finally got my Class A!!!

I was so damn proud. Took so much work, so many hours, so much heartbreak and ultimate sacrifice of self will to achieve.

But hey, I did it!

And now I'm on my way to May Trucking Company in Salem, Oregon. Start orientation March 3rd, very excited!

Thanks again to everybody, and safe driving to all!!

Posted:  5 years, 2 months ago

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PLEASE HELP!! New to Trucking, need advice!

Hello all, I love this site and have used everybody's posts for tons of research so i want to say thanks first and foremost. First time poster, so I apologize if this is a lot but I am super anxious and need any and all help possible please and thanks!

Ok, so!!

I enrolled into Commercial Driver School in Olympia, WA to get my class A license a couple weeks ago. Just started week 2 today, and got my permit last Friday while passing my air brakes, general knowledge, and combination tests relatively easily however only passed the tanker endorsement test. Probably not necessary to know but still kinda cool and proud of my accomplishment.

However, today I spoke with a couple of recruiters from companies like Schneider and Fastenal and was almost crushed when listening to their schpiel. Maybe naive or oblivious or just all too anxious and excited about starting this new career that I didnt even think about the possibility of disqualifications or automatic non hirable offenses.

But what they said really stuck out to me and completely devastated my entire mood. They said if you've EVER failed a drug test for any reason in your lifetime that NO company would hire you to drive for them. Period.

This is where I need the help from and please be as honest as possible and any help is tremendously appreciated as I am quite literally freaking the freak out right now. I recently separated from the Navy (28 days ago today) with an under honorable conditions (general) discharge.... however line 28 narrative reason for separation says misconduct- drug abuse.

Yes, I know... I am scum of the earth and disrespected my fellow brothers and sisters and completely let down my friends, family, and myself for a stupid decision that may have literally ruined my life more than I ever could have imagined.

I consumed 2 weed brownies about a year ago and low and behold the next day was randomly drug tested just like everybody else at my command. I was one of 4 sailors to pop for marijuana. I soon after voluntarily went to rehab for 45 days and have been sober for 344 days now.

I fought hard to try and stay in the Navy, but was unable to be retained. Was advanced to E4 literally 2 weeks prior to this whole situation after only being in for 6 months. I was able to receive an general under honorable conditions because of my exemplary service record to that point and even after the failed drug test, however was only in the service for 18 months.

So, my question, albeit long and scattered and drawn out... is am I ever going to be able to obtain a truck driving job??

I want to do OTR and just drive the country, dont have any idea of what companies I'd like to drive for or what kind of haul I'd like to transport, just know I'd prefer to be out for weeks to months at a time and just drive safely as possible and explore the vast roads of our country.

I'm only 28 years old and have had about 4 speeding tickets, all when I was 16. No other incidents, accidents, or the like. Never had any issues with drugs and alcohol, except of course for my huge mistake in the Navy.

I have been told I shouldn't disclose that I was even in the military, but that doesn't make practical sense as its 18 months of my life and would leave a huge gap for employment verification. As well as would likely show up on any background check I am assuming. But I honestly dont know what companies look for or how the process works.

Like I said, this is my first experience in the trucking world. I paid 4935$ for this class that I am in and very focused about obtaining my class A CDL and being a committed safe driver.

I also now havent been able to stop freaking out about the likely possibility that I just wasted all that money and ruined any chance at being hired by any company if they were in fact to check my dd214.

I obviously could pass a drug test right this second, and would be willing to take one daily for my entire career if need be. But Schneider and Fastenal are very reputable companies and they both said, at separate recruiting pitches, that ANY failed drug test EVER was an automatic disqualifier to be hired by ANY company.

Please, for the love of god, somebody help me out. Am I completely ruined?? Did I waste all that money just to be shunned from another great opportunity in life? I was so excited to drive trucks and do OTR. Now I am a wreck.

I am afraid to ask my instructors at my school in the chance they kick me out of class without any refund. I figured I would at least finish the course and pass my test to acquire my A license no matter what. Finish what you start plus even if there's a millionth of a tenth percent chance I could actually get a job I am holding out for that opportunity.

Sorry for the absurdly long post, I am very nervous and incredibly distraught about this whole endeavor. Any and all help would be appreciated more than you know. Please, I'm begging for somebody wiser and more experienced to be able to give me some sort of answer. Anything and everything possible!

Thank you so much for your time.

Sincerely, Scared ****less

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