Profile For Lone Wolf

Lone Wolf's Info

  • Location:
    Roanoke, VA

  • Driving Status:
    Preparing For School

  • Social Link:
    Lone Wolf On The Web

  • Joined Us:
    5 years, 4 months ago

Lone Wolf's Bio

Hey there.

My names Aaron and I've always wanted to be a trucker ever since I first saw Convoy.

I've already got a head start by passing the learners exam but, I am still doing a bit more research before just jumping onto the first offer. I'm 42 years old and can see myself later in life retiring in a truck.

I am here to ask questions and to learn much more about the industry to better prepare myself...


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Posted:  3 years ago

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16 year olds driving big rigs


Hi James,

I think it's really cool that you are learning how to drive a truck. Honestly, as long as you are not texting, playing around with a phone or acting stupid when on the road then go for it! However, at 16 I would suggest that you STAY IN SCHOOL. Dude, go to college... Live a bit. Trucking isn't going anywhere and will be here in the next few years and long after that.


Well said, you!

How've YOU been ?!? How's YOUR driving plight??

Excellent advice.

Hope you are well!

~ Anne ~

Hi Anne,

I'm still with the same company as before. Not happy. Underpaid and working 7 days a week now...

I'm considering going with Fast Forward VA to get my foot in the door. Not that I am against any of the company provided training options. Perhaps, it's because I am far too self independent. I have trust issues... It's just the matter of saying goodbye to a 10 year relationship that I have with my current employer, and making sure that I have everything in place for the big transition.


Posted:  3 years, 4 months ago

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16 year olds driving big rigs

Hi James,

I think it's really cool that you are learning how to drive a truck. Honestly, as long as you are not texting, playing around with a phone or acting stupid when on the road then go for it! However, at 16 I would suggest that you STAY IN SCHOOL. Dude, go to college... Live a bit. Trucking isn't going anywhere and will be here in the next few years and long after that.

Posted:  3 years, 4 months ago

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Home Kit or Self Lab test in preparation to pass actual Drug Tests?

I would wait out at least 90 day's to be certain that you are clean. If offered the job then I would suggest you live a clean and sober lifestyle because, if you get in an accident then it's a drug test on the spot.

Posted:  3 years, 8 months ago

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Job be damned.

Hey Lukas,

First, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE! I come from a military family and my friends also.

It's hurtful to read your message. Sure, ex-military can "sound hard" but never disrespectful. Much RESPECT to you for keeping your cool. I might have kicked his a** and took his truck! A bit of advice... Keep your cellphone close and record everything! Maybe the company might want to FIRE him instead and get you a real trainer. You state that his former trainee quit on the spot. That's really sad and say's a lot! Also, how dare you miss a turn on your first time trucking! It's not like you wrecked it!!! LOL!! Is he teaching you anything other than HOW to hold the steering wheel?

Six years and one year combat huh. Well, here's hoping that you will drive a truck! If for some reason it doesn't work out or, you need a break. I work for a really great company in Roanoke, VA. It doesn't pay as much as trucking but it's better than kicking cans... NEVER GIVE UP!

Posted:  3 years, 11 months ago

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Thinking about Prime Inc.

Hey Laura,

Yes, the video say's that he and Honey had a blowup and Prime washed their hands of the situation and he was let go. That means he was terminated, fired.

I shouldn't base my decision on this one video as I really don't know the entire story. However, it does seem very fishy for someone wanting to switch jobs. So, is this guy telling the truth that Prime fires people for no reason? I've always thought that companies such as Prime would reassign a trainee if they couldn't get along with their trainer. Personally, I get along with 99% of everyone I have ever had to work with. I don't care about things such as race, gender or whatever. I just do my job and that's it. There's always going to be that 1%, that one person that you will never be able to get along with but that person has never got me fired ever!

Hey, I am just digging around a bit. Looking for a good company. I'm sorry that I worded my post wrong.

Posted:  3 years, 11 months ago

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Other people’s doubts

I've decided not to tell anyone else just because of this very reason. Back when I was in a relationship, I would have just jumped right into trucking because a school had approved me and promised me a job after to pay the cost. Thankfully, my now ex-girlfriend was against the idea of me living on the road at the time because I would have jumped right in the drivers seat without doing any research, study or considering my other options.

Now, I am a firm believer in doing all that I mentioned above. I also have a mutual fund set aside that I am stacking money into, just to have for when I make the ultimate decision.

I'm not telling anyone else about my decision to switch careers. I've found that the blow back is usually from people that don't drive truck's.

Are the one's telling us that trucking is a horrible idea... Are they paying our bills? Are these people going to buy us a new car or motorcycle? Are they paying for our retirement? Probably not. So, their opinions are just as useless as they sound!

Posted:  3 years, 11 months ago

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Thinking about Prime Inc.

This is the video I am referring to - - I have watched all of his videos and this happened...

I have nothing against women, gender or whatever. All I want to do is become a successful trucker and drive safe.

No man at Prime EVER got fired just for taking on a female trainee. Period. That is just stupid. There are lots of men who train women and are professional. I had 2 males and 1 male to female transgender. You have to sign a paper saying you will or will not accept the opposite gender. Sorry...if it is the one I am assuming it is .there was way way more to that story and he was no victim.

But I digress..... Watch my videos on "Prime Promotes Women" parts 2 is about our female driver program... Parts 3 and 4 talk about our classes and programs..driver health and fitness with physical trainers and dieticians for free...the 2nd year they pay us quarterly to park take. There are others in my channel called "why prime"

Trust me....if ANY student has a problem they can come to me 24/7....and for women we have a female driver liaison to contact as well. Rob, Donna and others here can attest to that.

Posted:  3 years, 11 months ago

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Thinking about Prime Inc.

Hi, again...

My former roommate/ co-worker used to be a trainer at Prime and he told me that if I wanted to go into trucking then, I should go with Prime. I asked why? Because, not only does Prime teach you how to drive... they teach you how to become a trucker. I've never even heard of Prime Inc. at the time until I Googled them and started watching the Prime YouTube videos.

It's a really nice terminal they have. Where else will I get a job that has an basketball court and a gym?

I started following one of Prime's YouTube channels and I really appreciate that, they take safety seriously! I climb radio towers. One wrong move and, I am a dead man!

I haven't accepted a job with any trucking company. I've been with my current employer now over six years. I am digging around. Doing a bit of investigative work before, I decide which trucking company is right for me.

I don't like talking about others behind their back but, this guy whom was a lease operator with Prime Inc. posted on YouTube that he got fired because the person he was training was a female. No explanation or, anything. Prime just fired him!

That doesn't sound like a company I would want to work for.

Posted:  3 years, 11 months ago

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Erratic Sleep Schedule

Once the stress of working a 100 hours a week goes away you just might find your sleeping ability increases, day or night.


I think so too! My biggest hobby is gaming and I never have any time for it except after work. I am so wired that going to sleep is not an option. I just want to play my game! My boss'es will often say, "Go home, Go straight to bed!" "Need you for another 12 hours in the next 5 hours!"

This really isn't a healthy lifestyle...

Posted:  3 years, 11 months ago

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Frustrated with CDL permit testing

Also, I would suggest skipping the parts of the book that you feel comfortable with. It may make it seem easier. For me stuff like traffic signs and the Combination Vehicles part was a breeze. I basically just needed to study Air Brakes and then I was okay. Also, I failed my first try because I made it all the way to the end of the test and missed the question on BAL (blood alcohol level) because, I totally just skipped that part of the book altogether. Be sure to study that part!

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