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Posted: 5 years, 3 months ago
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What did you do before becoming a truck driver?
I was a Corrections Officer in the Ad Seg Unit (formerly solitary, now called Restrictive Housing). I am a huge advocate for the prison system and strong discipline. However, viewing 500+ human beings locked in a cage 23 out of 24 hours every day plays a hit on your psyche. Plus receiving a few stab wounds from inmates who slipped other guards cuffs and weren't properly searched beforehand does that as well. Not to mention daily violence, threats to your family, and a community who sees the guards as the enemy and the offenders as innocent does not help (see every Hollywood movie ever).
I loved and still love my brothers in grey. They earn any commendations they receive by just showing up, doing their job, and being fortunate enough to make it home. Some don't.
We are the forgotten men and women in uniform. Every day we face the worst of the worst. We are not the bad guys. We are the ones who keep the bad guys locked up, and keep you safe. If you know a CO, let him know you appreciate his work.
I am preparing to be a truck driver, but I am a CO for life.
Posted: 5 years, 3 months ago
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Quick question. I know we stay away from negativity on this site (for which I am grateful). However, seeing some other reviews on other sites makes me wonder if PAM was a bad idea. Without being critical of them, are there other companies I should have looked into? And, more importantly since I will be starting with them next week, what can I do to make my experience better and eventually get the miles I want with PAM?
Posted: 5 years, 3 months ago
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Thanks y'all! That is some excellent advice about backing. I do worry, as I tend to over correct when backing a trailer. Hopefully I can break that habit at school. I am working my way through the podcast. They are fantastic and very beneficial. I suppose one of my biggest anxieties, aside from backing, is venturing into the unfamiliar. I have spent my entire life in Texas/Oklahoma, only venturing out a few weeks at a time. It's going to be weird driving all over the US for weeks and months at a time. My big goal is to be able to eventually find a local or dedicated route that will get me home (DFW) weekly. But, I know I'm going to have to put in my dues and really learn the trucking business before that happens.
Posted: 5 years, 3 months ago
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I'll be starting at Driver Solutions a week from Monday. This will be my first trucking job. I'm 42 years old and have spent my entire life in Texas and Oklahoma. I'm both excited and very nervous. I've got a million questions, but my lack of experience makes me wonder what questions are actually important. So, I'm just going to ask for any advice about what is most important starting out? Does that make sense?
Posted: 5 years, 4 months ago
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Hey Folks!
I'm preparing to join Pam working team. I am one who has to fight to keep his weight under control. One worry I have is finding time to exercise with the truck constantly running. I've seen several posts for solo drivers and exercise, but what about teams? Any suggestions?
Posted: 5 years, 3 months ago
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Reconnecting with Friends
I'm not even a rookie driver yet. More like a soon-to-be rookie driver. But, from what I hear trucking can be an awfully lonely profession. I just wanted to throw this out there as a possibility to counteract that loneliness.
About a month ago I decided I was going to contact every person on my Facebook friend list personally before January 1, 2021. I usually do this via Messenger, email, or phone number. I am taking on one person per day. Nothing long, just a quick note to say hey and see what they're up to. 5-15 minutes at most.
What I have found is that my "Friends" are becoming my friends again. I'm reconnecting with people I haven't really connected with in years. My lonely little world is growing weekly.
Why not use 5-15 minutes of your down time to send a message to your "Friends"? You may not have talked to them in years, but at one time they really meant something to you besides "likes".
If at first it seems awkward, don't worry. My very first response from someone was "Hey, I don't mean to be a d#### but I'm changing a brake caliber". 🤣🤣🤣
Since then I have been able to establish or re-establish some great friendships. Might help with loneliness on the road and give you something to look forward to during downtime.