Profile For David Z.

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    Magnolia , DE

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    Preparing For School

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Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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Trainer unsafe practices

Lol you must be a former or present CRST employee as well I still have a job there for your information, they screwed up and they admitted it

Yeah, this sounds awfully suspicious. You voluntarily got off the truck in California and drove yourself home to Delaware?

Come on. I give that about a 1 in 1,000 chance of being the real story.

There are a million different ways you could have handled the situation you describe. What you're saying makes no sense. You're so worried about the money you'll make trying to support your family but you decided to quit your job, pay for a rental car, and drive home 2,500 miles?

I don't think so.

However, this is interesting from your past:


[I have] a 15 year old felony for burglary CRST sent it up for review I was approved . Problem is I have a lot more on my record all most recent being 9 years old . Receiving stolen property, dui , criminal trespass doesn’t look to good I didn’t disclose everything just the most serious reason being it’s a lot of little charges. Again my record is clear for 9 years I had a drug problem when I was younger . I operated my own business for the last 7 years I’m a changed man that is why it is so embarrassing to bring all this up . My question is when he sends this back up for review is it going to be bad that I didn’t include it all ?


I'll tell you what might have happened. He failed to disclose his entire background and when the company finally dug it all up they kicked him off the truck. Now he's trying to save face by telling everyone it was a bad trainer at a bad company.

Whatever happened, it wasn't what he says happened. If we can't get the truth I'll just delete this story. After all, this isn't

Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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Trainer unsafe practices

We were taught that you can’t be I could be wrong

Can’t you be off duty in the passenger seat? Why would you want to be on duty when you could be getting your 10 hour break in.

Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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Trainer unsafe practices

Lol couldn’t take what ? My lead signed off on my good driving and even told the dispatch when I got off it wasn’t my fault and I had every reason to feel the way I do. I got kids at home I don’t like my life being jeopardized for things that should have never happened

Keep repeating that to yourself when the company gets a judgement against you, the letters arrive in the mail, the bill collection agency calls, and your wages get leavied.

You're a rookie that couldn't take it, then wants to blame the company for your failure at driving. You won't get a golden parachute exit out of paying for school and failing to honor your end of th he contract with CRST.

Good luck at home in your future endeavors.

Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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Trainer unsafe practices

They put me in an unsafe situation therefore the contract will be null and void

Since you seem to know everything.... good luck. NOBODY will hire you until your contract is paid in full. For the record, I've never driven for any mega carrier, or done OTR at all.

Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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Trainer unsafe practices

Figured y’all worked there that’s why you defend them lol I drove home from Cali 42 hours from there screw then they had me in a hostile work environment and put my life at risk I will be leaving and the contract will be voided

You did the same thing with a topic you posted about the hearing test, then you were worried about the physical at CRST. Next, it was an inquiry about getting out of the contract at CRST. Now, it's a lousy trainer at CRST.

Have you encountered anything positive driving or at CRST? This is not the website for company bashing, subtle or otherwise.

Lots of drivers started their driving careers at CRST, myself included.

Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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unsafe practices during training

Yes he was a lease op WAS pretty sure he’s fired now

Hmmmm sounds familiar.....David how long were you on his truck? and he was a lease op? lol We kinda rescued a Korean trainee 2 weeks ago off her leads truck at our Carlisle PA terminal. She had been on his truck 10 days, driven ZERO days, yet he told other drivers she was excellent driver her 1st week. He told my co driver don't talk to her! He had dillusions she was gunna be his woman later.....pfffft......Once he wasn't around she asked us how she can get off his truck their DM wasn't helping her do so.........Next day she text my co-driver and told him she finally escaped his truck, and thanked us....

Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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Trainer unsafe practices

Didn’t think it posted the first time

Right. What's the point in posting this same topic twice, David Z.?

Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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Trainer unsafe practices

Second day out I found a flat on my pretrip that he missed and drove 300 miles on he does not pretrip , throws trash out the window , would rather me have a tractor go into oncoming traffic rather than de accelerate and let them pass , would not like me do my own post trip on the Qualcomm , marked me as off duty while I was in the passengers seat

I was on my lead trainers truck In the middle of the country when he got a call that a sexual harassment claim has been made by a previous female student of his this lead to numerous phone calls and stress and distraction of his driving , come to find out they also temporarily pulled his lead certification while I was on the truck with him CRST confirmed he Should have not been told this information while I was on the truck nor should I have been on the truck with him with no lead certification. Long story short I ended up getting off the truck rather than drive across the country with this man in the state of mind he was in thinking he was going to be terminated. I ended up going home from California to Delaware. I’m considering asking CRST to cancel my contract, thoughts ?many other unsafe things he did while I was on the Truck as well

Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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Trainer unsafe practices

I was on my lead trainers truck In the middle of the country when he got a call that a sexual harassment claim has been made by a previous female student of his this lead to numerous phone calls and stress and distraction of his driving , come to find out they also temporarily pulled his lead certification while I was on the truck with him CRST confirmed he Should have not been told this information while I was on the truck nor should I have been on the truck with him with no lead certification. Long story short I ended up getting off the truck rather than drive across the country with this man in the state of mind he was in thinking he was going to be terminated. I ended up going home from California to Delaware. I’m considering asking CRST to cancel my contract, thoughts ?many other unsafe things he did while I was on the Truck as well

Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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unsafe practices during training

Hello , last week while I was on the truck with my lead driver CRST called him and told him he had a sexual harassment case filed on him by a previous female student. Claims were he wouldn’t let her off the truck among other things , this distracted and upset him a lot all while we were driving through winter weather conditions, they also pulled his lead certification while I was on the truck and then temporarily gave it back . Crst has admitted he should have never been told while I was on the truck . I got off the truck on Thursday night when I could see him extremely upset and I didn’t feel safe . The driver has also did unsafe things while I was on the truck . Doesn’t pretrip , I found a flat on the trailer during my pretrip he drove over 200 miles on , throws trash out the window , I slowed down to let a tractor trailer pass that was passing into oncoming traffic on a two lane undivided highway he flipped out and told me to maintains my lane and when I side that the passer could have killed a family his response was who gives a **** you worry about you . These are just some of the things I went through , he wouldn’t let me put anything bad in my post trip report he did the report for me as it was his truck he said. What options do I have ?

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