Profile For PurebredCheezehead

PurebredCheezehead's Info

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    5 years, 3 months ago

PurebredCheezehead's Bio

Got my Class B CDL on my 40th birthday (almost 3 years ago). Was fortunate enough to be hired, with no experience, by a fuel delivery company. Been driving a 5200 gallon fuel truck ever since. I think it's about time to upgrade my career with my Class A.

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Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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Hearing test

What in the world is a hearing exemption and how do I get it?? And Ah the good ol' whisper test..a thorn in my ear since I started in this industry! I have gotten this test both DOT physicals so far (have only had 2 though and both were the same doctors so it may differ elsewhere) Failed the first time..had to see an audiologist..get hearing aids (this cost me thousands of dollars) had a restriction placed on my CDL that hearing aids were required when operating a CMV. This was a HUGE pain in the A** and I hated them! I am not deaf by any means, I just could not hear someone whisper on the other side of the room. 2 yrs later I go for my fed med card renewal, fail without my hearing aids in, put one in and here the magic word "football" and yay I pass! It is removed as a restriction on my license..which I don't really understand as I was not "cured" so I am not really understanding what the point of it all was. I am curious to see what happens at my next renewal and I can't hear the whisper again but I am no longer "required" to wear my hearing aids. I DID NOT wear them in any part of my daily life. They were just too loud. Just wanted to throw my experience out there as it was quite costly to find out I couldn't hear well enough to drive a truck. I also find it ridiculous that you can have deafness as a disability (cant hear at all, no way to fix or make it better) and have your CDL. Seems a bit contradictory. It appears you don't drive all that much, but in my experience if you can't hear the to the hearing aid store you go! 😁

Was told at my last DOT physical that I will not likely pass the hearing test on the next one. I'm 66 and in good health and physical condition, self employed, semi-retired and drive my 12K box (service truck) truck app. 50 miles a day a dozen days a year. Would it be worth my applying for the hearing exemption?


Posted:  5 years, 2 months ago

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So much info on here! :) Which way to my Class A?

I have checked out schneider as it is local for me. I also started at CDL school originally going for my Class A but backing was a HUGE issue as I have never backed anything but a car. After 2 weeks being stuck in the training pad just backing 5 hrs a day and still getting nowhere, I decided to go with my Class B instead. The instructor used to stand in front of the truck and just yell at me which way to turn the wheel and I didn't find this helpful at all! I needed to know what I was supposed to be looking for/at in my mirrors. I have no interest in going back to school there. Although I could not get the backing figured out there, I have been doing ALOT of reading on this site regarding backing tips and know someone with a truck and small trailer I can practice with. It's not a big rig tractor trailer, but it gives me some idea how to back something that is not just 4 wheels. I know I can get it this time :) I appreciate you taking the time to respond for Schneider. Thank You!

Yes you will need a class A for Schneider first. The good news is that if you have to go back to cdl school to get it. They will reimburse you up to $7000 @ $200 a month. With no contract to sign.

Posted:  5 years, 2 months ago

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So much info on here! :) Which way to my Class A?

Thanks Dave!!

You are correct..the info on is here is VERY overwhelming. I try to take time everyday to read at least one topic on here but working 14 hour days its not easy. That's why there is weekends right? :) I am definitely not looking for a shortcut. I went to school for my CDL for a CAREER. When hired at the current company I am at, I was told I would be trained on transport and they would help me get my Class A. Unfortunately after 3 years I am still waiting and I am not willing to wait anymore and will take matters into my own hands. No more pulling a fuel hose for this girl!! I love this forum, it has alot of info and alot of great helpful drivers on here and I will keep reading and responding whenever I can.

While I realize that the amount of (great) information on this site may seem overwhelming, the truth is that there are no one can distill all you could know into a couple of paragraphs. I highly recommend that you take the time to read it'll be amazed at what can be learned here.


Hello to everyone willing to give advice!

I have been driving a class B fuel truck for almost 3 years. Pulling a fuel hose to fuel a truck or a fill pipe on house has gotten old and I am looking to do more. My ultimate goal would be to drive transport tanker but not sure how to get there. Obviously I need my Class A license and experience. Do I go with prime, which has a tanker division? Can I get a tanker trainer or am I going to have to start with a reefer anyway? Do I go with Roehl without a tanker division but is more local for me? I know I can't just get in a truck and drive as my experience is not with a combo, so the time I have to put in for paid CDL training is no bother to me. Even in the 3 years i have been with my current company, I am learning something new everyday. I am not questioning if this is something that I want to do, it's for sure. Just not sure which route to take. I have not had a problem getting accepted anywhere as I have a good MVR, hazmat/tanker endorsements, and some schooling/experience. ANY advice ANYONE can give me on here would be super awesome, plus I wouldn't mind getting to know some of you as I will be on the road as well and it seems there is alot of you that have great helpful trucker advice. Thank You!


Posted:  5 years, 3 months ago

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Survey: Your biggest worries and most important questions

I am interested in reading some of these myself!

I know one of my BIGGEST worries was "can I really learn to drive this huge machine?" And OH MY GOD the parts you have to learn for the pre-trip! I had only driven a little car(which I never was a mechanic on as well) prior to going to school for truck driving so it was REALLY intimidating. I didn't even have to bend over to go under the trailer and had no clue what an axle was, and what the hell is a tandem axle? lol Needless to say I learned it all, and I like doing a pre-trip everyday now. I know I am heading out on the road with all my parts in place and in working order. I am sure I have a few more concerns/questions I can come up with. This one sticks out as I will never forget how I was feeling that first day in school and it will hopefully be helpful to someone who is thinking, "There is NO WAY I can learn all of this" It can be done.

Posted:  5 years, 3 months ago

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So much info on here! :) Which way to my Class A?

Thanks for the replies!

Brett, I feel like home time, regions, and what kind of freight I want to haul, are not really decisions for me to make at this point. I think I will just be at the mercy of the whole process and I am all in. Those are things I feel will come with time. I just need to learn how to drive the bigger truck. I am hoping what I have done the last 3 years, will have given me at least a few helpful skills. I do enjoy driving tanker, but you are right, I might like to drive something else. I can always go back to tanker if I want :)

Jay, I have looked into Schneider as they are in my state. I have to have my Class A already to drive for them though correct? I originally went to school for my Class A, been thinking about doing it again but have also been considering Prime or Roehl as this gives me the opportunity to get the proper license and the experience I need, along with having the job already.

Posted:  5 years, 3 months ago

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CDL B Local

The fuel company I work for is in Wisconsin (corporate is in Milwaukee) and has branches all the way south to Miami, not sure where you are located. It is not easy physical work but pays decent and benefits are good. Most branches deal with fleet fueling which is empty trucks in lots at night so customer interaction is minimal. I was there a few months before I met some of the other drivers and didn't have to deal with management much unless there was an issue. I went to school to get my Class B license and they hired me right out of school with no experience. I do live the overtime life though with 12-13hr days. Not sure that is something you are looking for if you are going to school as well. Good Luck with whatever you decide!

Posted:  5 years, 3 months ago

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So much info on here! :) Which way to my Class A?

Hello to everyone willing to give advice!

I have been driving a class B fuel truck for almost 3 years. Pulling a fuel hose to fuel a truck or a fill pipe on house has gotten old and I am looking to do more. My ultimate goal would be to drive transport tanker but not sure how to get there. Obviously I need my Class A license and experience. Do I go with prime, which has a tanker division? Can I get a tanker trainer or am I going to have to start with a reefer anyway? Do I go with Roehl without a tanker division but is more local for me? I know I can't just get in a truck and drive as my experience is not with a combo, so the time I have to put in for paid CDL training is no bother to me. Even in the 3 years i have been with my current company, I am learning something new everyday. I am not questioning if this is something that I want to do, it's for sure. Just not sure which route to take. I have not had a problem getting accepted anywhere as I have a good MVR, hazmat/tanker endorsements, and some schooling/experience. ANY advice ANYONE can give me on here would be super awesome, plus I wouldn't mind getting to know some of you as I will be on the road as well and it seems there is alot of you that have great helpful trucker advice. Thank You!

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