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Posted: 5 years, 1 month ago
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I got my license first and now am waiting on the spe certification test. Everything else you said was accurate for my account thou
A quick rundown on the SPE certificate application and everything else involved.
1. Either call the representative for the region you're in or download the information packet directly from the FMCSA website.
2. Fill out everything and I mean everything on those forms, double and triple check them if need be. You'll need to find a doctor to do the proper medical review. FMCSA will not refer you to one, you'll have to find them and pay for that evaluation on your own.
3. Once you have all the forms filled out, mail it, fax it, email, whatever it takes to get it to their office. Call to follow up on it because they aren't very quick about getting back to you with anything.
4. Once they review it, they will mail out your training certificate. This will allow you to train and practice your driving, pre trip and skills portion. Once you get comfortable with those, you'll have to track down your FMCSA certified State examiner. This person will actually do a review to determine that you are capable of performing the skills required to become a professional driver. Little secret, you're taking the entire CDL driving exam which you must pass but it doesn't count for your license, only to get the SPE certificate. 5. Once you pass, you will be mailed your actual certificate. At that time, you'll take the certificate with you to go take your driving test. Keep your certificate with you at all times, it's a requirement. Also send a copy to your company and you'll have to take a copy with you to the BMV for them to keep on file.
6. Your certificate must be renewed every 2 years, failure results in a licence suspension. You won't have to repeat the entire process but you do need to visit that doctor again for a follow up and the forms filled out again.
7. When you receive your renewal, you must take a copy to your BMV to be kept on file or your license will be suspended.
I hope this helps and if you have other questions, please feel free to ask.
Posted: 5 years, 1 month ago
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I only found 1 doc that would sign off and was qualified out of 15. Aside from taking a trip to fl i cant recommend anyone. Maybe start with all the major hospitals
Shannon, who is telling him no? You'll have to find one of the types of doctors they require in your area, make an appointment and have them sign the forms which are in the packet for the SPE certificate. It's a pain in the butt but can be done. I have one for a hand injury sustained 6 years ago and just did my renewal last year.
We've been to 5-6 different orthopedic surgeons to try & get the SPE certificate completed. The packet advises that only a board certified or board qualified orthopedic surgeon or doctor of physical medicine can complete the section. My boyfriend had surgery after his motorcycle accident which resulted in a brachial plexus injury and he currently has not function in his left arm. A plastic surgeon performed his surgery, but she can not complete the packet. Multiple qualified doctors are saying they didn't do the surgery, nor do they deal with this type of injury. We're kind of stuck and wondering if the FMSCA in GA has a waiver for the plastic surgeon or an exemption of some kind. Any tips or previous experience would help. Thanks for commenting.
Posted: 5 years, 1 month ago
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Need Help With A Skill Performance Evaluation
Hey i was curious did you ever get thru the process? Im above knee right leg and med examiner didn't see an issue to bad fmcsa did I finally got the cdl and am waiting on the spe certification test. Was wondering whats the differences of the 2 tests. From what i gather its the same test