Profile For Tonya M.

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Posted:  5 years, 2 months ago

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Seeking solo otr

I need drivers like you! but he is absolutely right Steven, most companies that are willing to start drivers out with either percentage pay or higher than .50 a mile also have requirements of at least 2 years with CDL's and OTR experience and as high as minimum 5 years exp. This is just how it is starting out in this business, but like he said if you show your dispatch your value then you will more than likely have more room to negotiate with your pay rate, either way hang in there, it pays off in the end! be safe out there guys!

Steven, I wish I had a dollar for everytime I've heard your story - I'd be overflowing with money! New truck drivers often think they are getting cheated. So what do they do? They start looking for another company. The person who came up with that old saying; "History repeats itself," must have been a truck driver. I say if history repeats itself, it means we aren't learning anything from history.

Sadly, truck drivers don't learn anything by repeating their terrible practice of always thinking the grass is greener somewhere else. Look, you're brand new at this. Why do you think you have all this value? You should be focused on building your value. Quitting your current job does nothing toward that.

As a new driver the only thing you have to recommend yourself is your first year's experience. Beyond that you are merely a new CDL holder who has little to no ability to be productive enough to command the highest levels of pay. You knew what you were starting at. Somehow you thought it was acceptable. What changed?

You can make close to 1,000 dollars a week at your pay rate. That's almost 50,000 dollars! Try doing that at McDonald's. Your problem is the same that all newbies face. Your new. You don't have the street smarts yet to turn the big miles. In trucking we control our own levels of productivity and therefore our level of gross pay. You've got to build your own reputation with your company and your dispatcher.

Are you aware that dispatchers have favorite drivers who get special treatment? It's true. We call them Top Tier Drivers. As a new driver that's what you want to focus on. You'll build your value, and you'll build your understanding of how to be hyper productive. Remember, this career is performance based. Any driver earning 50 cents or more per mile is held accountable. He/she has to be worth that much.

You'll control your pay by your performance. Having a CDL doesn't entitle you to anything. Being worth more than the average driver is a responsibility that you must shoulder.

Show Me The Money

Posted:  5 years, 2 months ago

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Asking for prayers! REALLY need them.

Praying for you !!! I claim that you will receive your miracle as well as many financial blessings and that your career be exactly as you hoped and successful! you got this Boss! ;)

So I am at 27.35 hours but I will be able to be dropped off to graduate on the 23rd. My trainer and I have discovered though through a couple of events that there is something wrong with my body or at least we think there might be and so I scheduled a doctors appointment for the 30th at 9:20am. They are going to want to do some blood work to find out whats exactly is dragging me down. So I have been doing great driving and really have improved on my backs and even have gotten the trailers in first try too! However, there have been now two occurrences where when I was operating at night that I became dangerously tired and had to give my trainer the wheel. The first time he thought I was just resting my eyes and I interpreted him wrong and thought he ment just sleep☹. The second time was last night and I had drove 6 hours 61 minutes and surrendered the wheel to him after performing a post trip inspection. When I operated with Swift I never really had a problem like this, though I did drive more during the day and not the night. I want to be a Old School or G-Town and roll like a boss but this has got to be resolved in order for me to be both successful and enjoy my career. Sigh. I was hoping this would not happen🤦‍♂️.

Please keep me in your alls prayers. Im going to travel down to Nashville, Tennessee to graduate as I am going to OTR and I have been advised strongly to do that.

Thanks in advance for the prayers and maybe pray for a straight up miracle!


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