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Experienced Driver
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 8 years, 7 months ago
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Nope - that one is 11' 8"
Is that "The Can Opener"? in North Carolina?
Posted: 8 years, 7 months ago
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Sometimes it does pay to be the nice guy! Congratulations!
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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If you get nailed by a camera in an Illinois construction zone, you deserve it. They park the photo vans in the most conspicuous place with a big sign on the back with the speed limit and a giant "Your Speed is xx" sign below it. You can see it miles away.
If you're that inattentive, you deserve the ticket. And there are only 4 for the entire state - I've only seen them 3 times in the 8 years I've lived in Illinois.
It is a good system, however we did lose 3 drivers last month due to speeding citations. Interestingly, we received a fleet message the other day regarding Illinois. . All the road construction with the signs saying "speed photo enforced"? Yup that's how we lost those drivers when they received citations speeding in construction zones caught by photo enforcement. Me.. I'd have fought that tooth and nail, but I'm one of THOSE drivers with the huge lineup behind them in road construction, because I don't generally speed in construction zones.
Uh oh. I sped in those zones yesterday on i88. There were no workers and I was trying to somewhat appease the a-holes behind me. Crap.
Posted: 9 years ago
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What not to do after a DOT Inspection...
Minnesota Driver gets released after a DOT inspection and pulls in front of a train. MSP dashcam catches the whole thing.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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The comments indicate the driver had a medical emergency and was trying to pull off the road when he blacked out.
Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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Do trailer tails really work?
One new fad I've noticed in the past few months (years?) is trailer trails. Do they really reduce drag and increase fuel efficiency or are they just another passing fad? I don't have any experience with them.