Profile For Joseph R.

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Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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Does anyone drive for Swift's Dollar Tree dedicated account?

I am dealing with the same decision with you Josh

I had a recruiter visit me the last week of my classroom instruction. I'm now on range portion how to maneuver the vehicle. Swift did tell me that I would be stopping and unloading about a dozen times a day. Also lots of backing up in narrow strip malls. The only difference is that they told me is that I would be off for the weekends. The only thing I am worried is also stated, join the company then finding out it is no longer available. I got other companies I like, but with weekends off, this account take the top interest spot. I'm just scared of a bait and switch.

Posted:  10 years, 9 months ago

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Leave a company before one year

Hey everyone,

So I got all my paperwork done and going to start school next Monday. I still got 3 months training before I go a company school. I have several prehire letter, but I research the companies and they don't have the best review from former employees. I research other company that sound better, but the either want 3 or 6 months experience. My question is why does everyone say stay with the company for one year before you move to another?

Posted:  11 years ago

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Paying for private school.

Hello everyone,

First I don't know if I'm the right section. Its also very specific where I am (Las Vegas,NV). Start with a short back story.

So I did my taxes free at the community college yesterday. I was expecting $1000 refund I could use to start trucking school and it turns out it is less then $100. There are two trucking school that I know of in the Las Vegas area. AIT trucking school and Southwest trucking school. I visited both locations. I want to go to Southwest. Southwest actually treated me well didn't rush anything while AIT I felt rushed through the process. Southwest also gave me a list of 25 different company that can help me with employment while AIT only had 3, Warner, Swift and I forgot the third one. However Southwest want $500 down and $1500 at the completion of the course versus AIT with no money down. (Both are roughly $6000, but tuition reimbursement should cover them both.) Schneider trucking is where I want to start and work for (Southwest list has Schneider on the list and on Schneider website has SW on there website). My top concern is someone paying for my schooling, and stuck there because of the loan agreement. I should be able to walk if I'm not being treat right or any other thing doesn't feel right. I don't know what to do now. Asking for your guys help. Any grants, scholarships, or any other ideas to help start my journey?


Posted:  11 years, 1 month ago

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Stay healthy, saving money, and make the truck your home?

Greeting everyone,

I'm really thinking about making the jump into truck driving. One of my concerns is staying active and healthy. I go to the gym once a week lifting weights and doing cardio. Any ideas on how to still go to they gym if I am driving 2-4 times a week at a time?

Another concern is food. Now I do like to restaurant once to twice a week, but I don't want to go every day and night, or fast food every meal. Are you able to bring electronic devices on the truck like a microwave, a crock pot, or Forman grill? Where would you clean them after usage? Any site or book to make simple meals while on the road?

Last concern is being away from home. What thing should you bring with you (like my labtop and cell phone), what thing you should buy in the first month (like a mini refrigerator), and what thing you get within six months? Any advice on beding, clothes, showers, bathroom break, ect.?

Love to hear from the veteran drivers about your tricks to stay healthy, saving money, and make the truck your home?

Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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More possibilities in truck driving

Hi everybody,

I new to truck driving. Interested, but not ready to commit just yet. My question is are their more possibilities after I "pay my dues" (6-24 months OTR). I am currently 30 y.o. college grad with a dead end job, got passed over 3 times this year for promotions. I am single with no wife or children. I want to know can I do a trucking job and have time to raise a family someday. I've read some are drive 5 days off 2 days ($50,000 salary), or I read in the North Dakota with oil and fracking, you drive 10 hours 5 to 6 days, 1 to 2 days off and get to be home every night with free board on top of $100,000 salary. I want to go home every night, after I done my 2 years of dues. Is this a real possibility, or are these 1 in a million story recruiter are selling to me? Time and money are my biggest concerns.

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