Profile For Izet B.

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Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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Just a bit confused 🤷🏻‍♂️

Wow! Yeah this guy must’ve been there a while...I guess someone that’s been around since the 20’s can’t be that bad!

Here's a picture I just took at the Pilot truck stop in East St. Louis, IL. I think this driver will counter any "bad review" concerning CRE on the www. Obviously he's been there a few years! The company must have treated him well for a long time.


Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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Just a bit confused 🤷🏻‍♂️

Thanks for the reply, I apologize for posting in the wrong section! No contract signed yet, I have an offer from a company a friend drives for, all I need is a license so thinking about going private route I might call sage that’s literally a mile from the house and see what they charge...If I can’t do that then I’ll just sign the contract and say fck it 🤷🏻‍♂️

Don't worry about bad reviews. However, if you haven't signed any sort of contract yet, you are free to go where you like.

Try posting questions like this in the "General Discussion" section. You've posted to the "Diaries Section," and I'm afraid a lot less people will see it here.

C.R. England gives a lot of higher risk people a chance to prove they can be productive truck drivers. Unfortunately many of those folks only prove why they were high risk in the first place. Those bad reviews are all written by the folks who made an attempt, but fell short of the mark.

All trucking companies have their share of malcontents. Unfortunately the internet has no way of identifying them as being their own worst problem.

Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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My Journey - Clarksburg,WV to Careers World Wide to Stevens Transport

Congrats! I took my GK and Got my DOT Friday then did Air Brakes and Combinations this morning! I can’t believe how easy this was lol. Now I hope I can do the inspection and all the rest on the first try as well!


I passed and got my CDL Permit on Friday !!!

thank-you.gif to those who was / is involved in the making of the High Road CDL Training program

Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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Just a bit confused 🤷🏻‍♂️

Hello fellow truckers! New here and future trucker 🙃. I should’ve gotten in the industry long time ago since I love driving and drove through 43 States and bit of Canada and Europe! Anyways I applied to couple of places for training and CR England snatched me first 😁, I got DOT certified and did the General Knowledge Friday after studying until 3 am and passed Air brakes and Combinations this morning! So I have this nice piece of paper long overdue, but proud of myself lol. What I am concerned about is all the bad reviews I read about this company 😐 I am supposed to drive out to Valparaiso soon to school, but comparing them with Pam and Roehl seems like Roehl is the best route! People are telling me not to go with England, so at this point I don’t know what to do...Permit is valid for only 180 days so decision has to be made soon! Can I just pay them for DOT and go with other places? Will my DOT still be valid even though it was sent from certain company...? Any input and help will be greatly appreciated! Thank you and wish you all millions of miles🙃

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