Profile For Brian E.

Brian E.'s Info

  • Location:
    Sacramento, CA

  • Driving Status:
    Company Driver In Training

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  • Joined Us:
    5 years, 1 month ago

Brian E.'s Bio

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Posted:  4 years, 11 months ago

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CDL Obtained from private school in Sacramento

I really think I am behind most other new CDL grads, meaning I went to a private school here in Sacramento area. They only teach you enough to pass the CDL. Nothing on HOS, trip planing, coupling and uncoupling, not even driving a full size rig. What would be my best options? I am needing to find an OTR company with a training program while you're OTR training. One thing that I fear the most is being placed straight into a "team" atmosphere with no knowledge (since I do have a CDL). I was thinking of Swift or Freymiller as my first company to try with followed by Knight and CR England.

Posted:  5 years ago

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Question for New driver

I am obtaining my CDL in California (Sacramento area)and will hopefully be done next month. There doesn't seem to be a lot of trucking terminals in northern California. How does it work getting home for home time? Are there companies that will hire a student driver (after training and mentor time) for the I-5 corridor, or the western states? I am looking for solo driving.

Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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Need some advice

Hi everyone, sorry for the vague subject line. I need some advice that I'm hoping can help me. I just joined the site yesterday, have no driving experience yet. I'm studying to take the CDL permit. A little more about me, I am 50 years old, been a manager in healthcare for last 15 years and in the business since 1998. I'm done, I need a new focus and career change. I have always wanted to be a truck driver. Everyone I speak to says no, don't do it. First thing you really need to know about me is I don't care what others think. Here is my dilemma, Money......... Let me say this upfront before any of you comment on it. I realize going in the money will be way different. I know I will have to make lifestyle changes. Can I say trucking is my dream? Can a 50 y/o (not in the best shape), but nothing too wrong with me start being a trucker? I am thinking of a school sponsored CDL program (thinking Wilson Logistics). Right now i am in northern CA and they have an I-5 corridor route I'd like to get after training. Now, in about 2-3 years I plan on moving to Tennessee, would this still be a good company? Any insight or knowledge would be appreciated.

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