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Posted: 5 years, 1 month ago
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Veteran seeking DOT disqualifications.
While digging deeply into these forums, I did find a list of medications that disqualify and the one I have is not on it, so that's possibly a good thing =P
For anybody else who finds this and is interested in knowing if any kind of prescribed medication will prevent you from qualifying for the DOT.
Posted: 5 years, 1 month ago
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Veteran seeking DOT disqualifications.
Hello everybody, I've been looking for specific DOT disqualifications regarding Anxiety/Panic Disorder.
I've been out of the army for 6 years with 3 deployments under my belt and finally feel like I can actually go back into the world. I am 80% disabled for Asthma (10%) and 70% (Anxiety). Although I've always been told that my disability from the army will have no effect on my actions in the Civilian World regarding employment.
I am prescribed a drug called Clonazepam for my Anxiety. In all honesty, I only take 1 or 2 of these pills a year lol. I do have "panic" attacks, but there nearly never anything that would prevent me from doing a job, and the ones that do usually happen when I'm ripped from sleep. (the very few times I actually take my prescribed medication haha).
So, all my cards on the table there. Honesty is always the best policy =P I'd rather know my chances of a career up front, rather then getting excited over something I would not be allowed to do.
Also, thank you to whoever reads and responds to this.
Posted: 5 years, 1 month ago
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Veteran seeking DOT disqualifications.
Oh wow, I really appreciate all the replies and amazing information. I didn't even think about individual company policies haha.
I've read a lot of the threads here and found so much information =P I'm not actually interested in doing OTR or Regional routes. My goals are much smaller and closer to home, like a garbage truck, or cement truck, or.. some other kind of truck that doesn't involve me driving across the country lol. I've spent 100% of my time with my wife and kids for 6 whole years. None of us can accept the life of a real man =P