Profile For Grandpa

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Posted:  4 years, 11 months ago

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Eating In Truck Stops

Guys and Gals I've been home for the past month so I would like to know if the truck stops with full service restaurants are still offering sit down dining and the Pilots and Loves still have their fast food joints open and are offering sit down eatin' as well.

Also how is the availability of bottled wayer in truck stops?

Much obliged for your answers!

Thats bottled WATER of course

Posted:  4 years, 11 months ago

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Eating In Truck Stops

Guys and Gals I've been home for the past month so I would like to know if the truck stops with full service restaurants are still offering sit down dining and the Pilots and Loves still have their fast food joints open and are offering sit down eatin' as well.

Also how is the availability of bottled wayer in truck stops?

Much obliged for your answers!

Posted:  5 years ago

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So I heard a trucking company recruiting I'm jealous....

So with all of these amenities when are you going to find time to drive?

Posted:  5 years ago

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Things we see

Well don't you be doing that, Bob. Just a matter of time before that guy is a statistic.

Posted:  5 years ago

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Do you carry a jug of engine oil?

I have an automatic Oiler.


Posted:  5 years ago

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Do you carry a jug of engine oil?

As an O/O I buy Mobil Delvac at Walmart or Tractor Supply for $12.99 per gallon compared to $24.99 at truckstops..yikes!

Also I buy Howes diesel treatment at those two places as well at significant savings.

Posted:  5 years ago

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Moving from CA to AZ!

When are you moving? Your Carrier will want you to have a CDL from the state you are domiciled.

If you move will be soon then I would wait.

Posted:  5 years ago

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Any owner ops here?

Yes, Harvest there is me. I have been an Owner Operator for 36 years and for me it is the only way.

Why? I love the independence. I am leased to a company but actually it's like having my own authority. There are no dispatchers here. I am the driver and dispatcher. I have access to my company's load board and can pick and choose but also I have made some terrific relationships with our independent agents and I call them for a load and they also call me. Many agents dont pusy their freight. They have worked hard to build relationships with shippers and only want select guys to handle their loads.

Another thing that makes me successful is that I am doing something that very few are doing. But that is a story for another time.

I got into trucking when times were much different and I had some excellent mentors that opened a lot of doors for me. Frankly I dont recommend being an owner Operator unless someone has spent many years driving company and has the business acumen and dedication to see this through. Its rough out there if you are inexperienced and dont onow what you are doing.

I dont recommend lease purchases under any circumstances. Beware! Stay away!

I'm going to cut it short now cause this reply has been way too long but anything you want to touch on just ask!

So why am I on a forum geared for newbie company drivers? Because I had help and valuable advice given to me half a century ago and I would not have made it without their help so I am just giving back what was given to me. I do know a thing or two or three about what company drivers need.

You have a good attitude Harvest and you can go a long way in this business.

Posted:  5 years ago

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Is Your Rig Safe At A Truck Stop?

Watch where you do all this fitness stuff at. Try to avoid inner city truck stops and bad neighborhoods and just hang close. Country stops and suburban stops go for it..the chances if cargo theft is lower.

They can even bust in while you are eating. I don't think your company wants you to starve.

An aside: Trucks enroute to Hunts Point market in the Bronx get broken into while at red lights and unloaded before the light turns green. They will even come up to your cab and chat with you while their friends are lightening your load. But stay in the cab unless you want to die.

Dont discuss your load with anyone or your route. If you are hauling high value stuff like electronics, pharmaceuticals, cigarettes or liquor keep a watch on your trailer.

Otherwise get out and keep in shape and dont obsess over it.

Posted:  5 years ago

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I guess we are supposed to hate Day cab drivers now.... At least that is what Tic-Toc has told me.

A lot of those day cab drivers are former OTR drivers that have given up the long weeks on the road and would rather be home nightly with their wife, kids, and grandkids. Also to have a regular life without worrying if they will be home for special occasions.

These type of day cab drivers can drive circles around the best of the OTR guys. They have been there and have gotten the T-shirt.

They deserve your respect.

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