Profile For Candace C.

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Posted:  1 year, 7 months ago

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Did not get the proper training

I am really trying to get back on the road. I have 6 preventables. I started in July of 2020 and the last one I think was in November 2021. i did not get the proper training when I first started out. The trainer I was with just had me driving, did not teach me how to back or nothing. Training was supposed to be 4 weeks, but after 4 weeks with him, when it came time to test out, I had to tell them driving was all I did. so they put me with another trainer, after 2 days with her, she quit for her own personal reasons, so I got put with another trainer, 2 nd day with him was horrible because he kept yelling at me so I got out of the truck in St. Louis and didn't get back in. They sent me home on a bus, then flew me back to the terminal, and put me another trainer for a week, I somewhat learned, I passed to test out, but I wasn't that good and that this how I got the incidents. One of them was weather related. I was getting on the scaled in Tennessee and it was packed with snow, I didn't know Ice was under the snow but when my steers started spinning, I took my foot off the gas pedal and the trailer went to the right and hit the yellow pole. Safety told me I should have told them to clean the scale before I got on it, so they said that was my fault. Another incident I was going a trailer swap in Alabama and the locking jaw would not lock around king pin. The shop kept trying to walk us through and it still would not lock, so since the shop guy was talking to the other guy on my phone, the shop guy asked me if I mind if the driver I was swapping with tried, I said no, he pulled too far out and dropped the trailer, they said that was my fault since I gave him permission, and the other 1, I was almost to my delivery in Minnesota and I heard air, so I asked if I can go to the nearest truck stop, they said since I was 20 mins from the delivery, to just go and then to the truck stop, so while backing onto the dock, I could not stop and the backed into the dock trailer hit the red light, they said that was my fault. So now no one will touch me with so many. What can I do? 

Posted:  1 year, 7 months ago

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I need help please.

I have 6 preventables on my record in 3 years. I didn't get the proper training when I first started out in 2020. I have not had a incident since 2021. 3 of them should have been non preventables but I don't know how to dispute them. Who will hire me now with my record

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