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Posted:  3 years, 7 months ago

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SPE (Skill Performance Evaluation) Certificate

Well, I started the process this past Februaryand can happily say I finally received my SPE Certificate yesterday. While I received my temporary SPE certificate in order to start school in March, I delayed starting school until June. With that inconsideration, it did not take a full six months to receive the certificate, but it does require an abundance of patience every step of the way. Going into the process it was fairly murky as to what to expect, and I had a number of surprises along the way. If anyone has any questions, feel free to reach out, I would be happy answer them.

Posted:  4 years, 1 month ago

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Getting your SPE Certificate

I finally got a yes from a Orthopedic clinic. Appointment in a few a weeks, hopefully all goes well!

I've been trying to get my spe certificate for a year now. I was born with a birth defect to my left hand and I must get a board certified orthopedic or licensed physiatrist to sign the papers. Can anyone tell me where to go to get them signed?

Posted:  4 years, 1 month ago

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Getting your SPE Certificate

Jonathan N, how did everything work out?

I got my license first and now am waiting on the spe certification test. Everything else you said was accurate for my account thou

Posted:  5 years ago

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SPE (Skill Performance Evaluation) Certificate

Thanks to Robert B (The Dragon)'s feedback on here we are able to get a better understanding of the process for obtaining a SPE Certificate. The instructions laid out by FMCSA leave a bit to be desired. As someone who is looking to get into trucking that is required to get a SPE, I'm trying to remove all the uncertainties before jumping in head first. My main concern is the time frame it will take, and how much of that will be unpaid. Here's the way I understand it:

- (Week 1) Obtain DOT Physical to determine if SPE is necessary

- (Week 2) Obtain medical evaluation from physiatrist or orthopedic surgeon - Apply for SPE certificate

- (Weeks 2 - 8) Wait for reply from FMCSA (the women I spoke with said expect 4-6 weeks for processing) to get temporary waiver.

- (Week 8) Apply for and obtain CDL learners permit.

- Leave my current job to attend Trucking school.

- (Week 8-12***) Trucking School. This portion could be longer depending on what school I attend. We have a local technical institute that offers schooling over eight weeks but the cost is significantly cheaper and your not locked into a contract with a carrier.

- (Week 13***) Apply for and obtain CDL.

- (Week 14-20***) Wait for someone from my state to reach out to do a driving test to complete the SPE application process.

- (Weeks 20 - 26***) Wait for SPE certificate to be issued.

- (Week 26) Start trucking!

**Weeks 14-26, the timeline is an assumption based on my call to FMCSA. The person I spoke with seemed to be rushed and the details were hazey. ***Potentially Unpaid portion. Probably get a job delivering Pizza's in the evening or something like that.

With this timeline, I could potentially go 18 weeks with little to no pay. Currently I have a good job that pays well for my area, and I would hate to leave it without knowing that I can become a trucker. Who is to say that I can pass the requirements provided by FMCSA and get the SPE at all?

It's my understanding trucking school is not required to get your CDL or SPE certificate, just as driving school is not required to get your driver license. What matters is your ability to pass the written and driving exam. Getting a job as a trucker on the other hand, schooling or one year experience is required. What if we replaced Week 8-12 trucking school with one to two weeks of driving with a trucker who is a owner/operator and has the patience to teach. Certainly I could take two weeks vacation from work.

What are your thoughts?

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