Profile For Roadrunner

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Roadrunner's Bio

I am the wife of a new trucker. We live in North Carolina near Wilmington.

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Posted:  5 years ago

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New truck driver, Help please! Given ticket for non-compliance and violation

It is pretty nice how a number of you guys are able to get internet to see these boards as well as the ability to take pictures AND comment. My husband can’t do all that. At least, not without getting in trouble. Oh! And the internet thing prevents it anyway. He is barely able to get signal for a call, let alone internet. I can’t wait for him to get to a place where he can stop so we can talk. Oh! By the way, Turtle Protege, thank you for the tip on California. I told my husband he will need 8 chains so he has contacted his company and let them know what he needs before he moves.

Posted:  5 years ago

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New truck driver, Help please! Given ticket for non-compliance and violation

Thank you, Turtle Protege, Old School and Turtle! Thank you for the signs. yes, my husband said he realizes he missed a couple after he went back. Just not seen as he was looking for the actual turn. The fact that it was to the left which was different than normal and again, the road he was going to turn down looked like a by street so he kept going thinking it was further. It was immediate past that he was stopped. As to the chains, still, if he needed that many, the company should have made sure he was aware before giving him a load there. Even a, “Hey, pickup is here and make sure your truck is equipped with # because it is state law”. Probably right though, this just might not be for him. He will do his time because otherwise they will charge an ungodly amount for subpar training. And of course, not being able to prepare an employee for every single situation might pass with another industry but really, in trucking, yes, they should. The company should supply you with the tools you need to do the job they have “trained” you to do. That is supposedly why he was out with a trainer. This, again, is just one incident from his experiences with this company. I am exhausted to even begin to go over each thing that he has been through. He still hasn’t been given copies of the contract he signed. His pay does not reflect his logs and he keeps being told “that should be in the next”. (But it’s not) He had to go back on the road before his pneumonia was gone, then got a full blown case of bronchitis as well. He has had to see urgent cares across the country because he wasn’t close to a VA. Telling them that he is still sick and needs to get home to his doctor who wants another chest x-ray has fallen on deaf ears. He has had a request in for home time for the last 3 weeks and still not even close. Anyway, thanks, i appreciate any input. I may seem sour about this whole thing but truly, it isn’t just this. I don’t think this company was the one for him, I think we have a lot to discuss.

Posted:  5 years ago

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New truck driver, Help please! Given ticket for non-compliance and violation

So, Sid, he didn’t “blow past” a station. There was one sign he saw when he first got back on the highway and it didn’t say “where” or how far ahead the stop was. He kept looking and did not see the entrance for it. As he has been sitting there, he has seen 5 other truckers stopped. I think this must be a “trap” area. He took pictures, it is impossible to see where this station is from his side of the highway. He has taken this entire process seriously and has always been nothing but above board professional with every position he has ever held. PackRat, he had whatever the truck was issued with. This is not his truck. He was given training as to what was supposed to be done during pretrip/post trip, he was left with this truck when his driver-partner left him. That is the person that “checked out” the truck. And at NO TIME has anyone told him he was supposed to have 7 chains. If his company was sending him to an area where he was supposed to have more chains, they should have provided them. My husband says he can understand them feeling as though he should have paid more attention to where the weigh station was but it still remains, he still has been left on his own to figure out things that should have been gone over in training or even OTR training with a trainer. He would never have known that the Qualcomm doesn’t alert you to every station OR the chains policy if he hadn’t have been stopped. Yes, he will contact an attorney.

Posted:  5 years ago

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I bought these for my husband for $36-ish. They work great! Noise cancelling so I don’t hear background noise while we talk, he can have it connected to two devices at once and it stays charged for the whole time he is driving and then some. Also has a 2 year warranty!

Posted:  5 years ago

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New truck driver, Help please! Given ticket for non-compliance and violation

Hello, I am the wife of a new trucker out of Coastal North Carolina. My husband is prior military, prior GS, prior district manager, etc and so on... I could start with a backstory but to keep this short and on topic, my husband has never had a driving ticket, EVER. He gets into trucking has permit and a variety of endorsements, through C.R. England, gets his CDL. After training with another new guy, new guy left, finished training with pneumonia which sent him home for a couple weeks, etc (Insert here all type of stories, fiascos, etc to this point) He has ended up solo. Truck he is driving was picked up by his “ex-partner” who abandoned him. As it was truck had issues, anyway, after partner left, he has been driving solo. Let’s just cut to now, after all the weather issues he has dealt with, he has now picked up load moving from Washington to Southern California. He has been stopped for going past a weigh station which he did not see due to it being on the opposite side of highway and “obscured from vision” and his Qualcomm did not alert him to it coming up. As he was getting this non-compliance ticket, the officer asked him how many chains he had with him. My husband told him 4. He was then wrote a ticket for violation and told he is supposed to have 7. This is not something that was gone over in training nor was it something his trainer went over. It also is not on his Pretrip checklist as to the amount of chains he should have, nor is there an inventory list in the truck as to what should be in the truck. As he was given the tickets the officer told him to turn around and go back to the weigh station, as he did traveling on the north bound highway, the Qualcomm then alerted him to the station. After going over citations etc with guy at station, he was told that he can be stopped and cited again for not having the chains. First question is, is he responsible for stopping at a station that is set for a particular direction of traveling? And if so, if he didn’t see it due to it being obscured nor was alerted about it, what can he do? Next question, without being told about the chains nor it being part of training, etc, is he responsible for not having them or is that on the company? (For anyone who is familiar, this is at the Goldendale weigh station in Washington state.) He did sign up for a legal aid option from his company for $3 a month. The ticket says he must communicate with the court within 15 days. If anyone has advice I would appreciate it. This is kind of the last straw for us. Along with the very long list of other things that my husband has been put through, this is making him feel like he needs to eat this “school tuition loan” and leave the trucking industry. We can’t really afford that, on top of him being a 100% disabled veteran, we are tight, the whole reason he looked into this in the first place. I truly wish he had known about C.R. England’s business practices prior to signing on. Regardless, we need help in how to deal with the violations AND if anyone can help in how he can get out of this obligation with C.R. England, I would highly appreciate it! I have since been researching them and have read many posts and have found many lawsuits. I wish we had found much of this information much earlier.

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