Profile For Jenny Jenn

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    Staten Island, NY

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    Preparing For School

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Posted:  4 years, 9 months ago

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Does Backing Scare And Frustrate you? Of course! Here Are Some Stories To Help Calm The Nerves.

A very important thing I notice everyone seems to forget these days. A good reminder too. I don’t have backing stories but am sure I will when things get back up and running. Thank you for this story. I work at a UPS warehouse right now and actually just last night I was looking at the trucks back into the spots and thinking about how tight those spots are. Also thought, I’ll be doing that soon enough and will I be able to do it. The most important thing though is be patient and remember to be safe. There are alot of impatient people on the road and to be honest I feel 90% of accident are a result of impatience and rushing. Thank you Kearsey for another encouraging post.thank-you.gif

I got it in safely.

I did this and all you newbies can too!!!

Who has some backing stories????

Posted:  4 years, 10 months ago

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Have had CDL for a year but no experience. Who will hire me and train me?

If a retrain is necessary perhaps comapny sponsered school maybe right for you since they put you through school and work for them depending on the school 1 or 2 years and it pays for the school. I’ll be doing this through Swift and with them it’s 1st year they take a small bit from you check each week and the 2nd year they put it back making the school free. You can look at the list on this site to see which one works for you. The beauty of this is they will have work for you and this is where you get your experience. Then you can stay with them or take another opportunity. I’m hoping to stay with them. It sounds like they’re a good company and they have many opps. Swift does hair test but there is a list of school on this site and some of them do not hair test. That’s not an issue for me. From what I’m hearing they all have about the same thing going on as far as school and opportunities. I would take Brett Aquila’s suggestion as well and keep clean for 6 months or so. Good Luck.

As for getting hired, you are considered stale, so may have to redo your training. Click on this link: Trucking Truth Jobs and start talking with recruiters.


Posted:  4 years, 10 months ago

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Just finished training at Swift Academy, Lewiston, ID

Lewiston, this is where I’ll be going. Well, once Covid quarantine is lifted. So good to hear about good experiences as I’m nervous about everything. And excited but nervous. Hope you’re keeping safe out there.

I finished the Lewiston, Idaho Swift CDL Training Academy last Friday. My experience was very good, even considering a major misunderstanding.

I will only say that if a person is serious about learning a serious career, has a strong work ethic (is willing to *work* for it), can listen to instruction and take a little initiative, that person will succeed here. I was very happy with the curriculum, with the instructors, and with the equipment.

I give Swift Academy Lewiston 5 stars of 5.

Posted:  4 years, 10 months ago

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Dead man's pass

If you’re near 10 Mile River take advantage and go for a casual hike anyway because it’s so beautiful there. My Dad lives up there so we go hiking and kayaking pretty often. it’s so worth it.

Ugh your poor teeth and kidneys.

But good on you making your own adventure! Oregon is great this time of year. I'm in PA on side of road waiting for a tire and air bag replacement. Gotta make New York City tomorrow with only 6 hours on my 70.

Although a hike would make me all sweaty and nasty...I guess pros and cons to each situation.

Posted:  4 years, 10 months ago

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How can I obtain my CDL permit?


I live in NYC & in the same predicament. I was in the process of getting my permit when this happened. The school wanted me in the February class but I needed to study more to take my permit test so I was aiming for sometime in March. Silly me here we are. But yes positive thinking it does give more time to study and considering how extensive the material is this is not a bad thing, it’s something we’ll always need to know not just know to pass the exams. however not knowing when the DMV and DOT for the physical will reopen is getting stressful. I wish you best luck.


I live in San Diego and as far as I can tell, there are no DMVs open in the entire state. There is also no information about when they will open back up and you can't make any appointments online. I've talked to a couple companies that I am interested in and they both have told me that I need to already have my permit before attending training. I don't have any solutions to this problem besides simply waiting until this whole thing is over, which I would prefer not to do. I'm motivated and want hit the ground running as soon as possible. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Posted:  4 years, 11 months ago

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A general thank you to everyone

Hi, Nice to meet you. I’ll be going to school too after covid19 settles down. The school wanted me in the February class but as I had things to settle 1st I waited. not sure now if that’s a good or bad thing but it is what it is and once things are back to normal will be on my way to Swift Academy. Where will you be going to school? this is a very exciting time. Good luck.

Hi- my name is Steve, and it’s possible that my 3rd career is going to be a truck driver. (Yup, old enough to have been edumacated in a cave, after walking uphill in the snow both ways)

I have been lurking and reading this forum for the last week, and it’s been invaluable.

I wanted to just take a moment to say thanks to everyone, and as I continue this journey, I’ll post and update to pay it back.

Posted:  4 years, 11 months ago

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Pennsylvania is shutting down rest stops!

Lol because porta johns are way more sanitary than regular facilities with sinks people can wash their hands in.

One of our drivers mentioned the facilities are closed but parking still available with port a johns. Is that not the case?

Posted:  4 years, 11 months ago

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Poke holes in my plan, please

I think Pack Rat made a great suggestion right there for you. Going to a company sponsored CDL school. Everything worth doing takes time. Your timeline that you laid out seems like your in quite a hurry. Even if you don’t like doing OTR it’s only a year and the school is completely paid for by the company when the year is up. After that you’ll have a class A CDL and many many opportunities to get good experience because you have a class A. Not to mention the experience you’ll pick up during your year with the company. Think about it. Don’t rush into anything. It’s never a good idea.

I haven't seen "specialness" as a requirement on any load boards. Maybe it's a CDL endorsement in some states...

I love it when folks take the time to tell you that they don't have time to tell you anything. If nobody works with new drivers with new authorities, just say so. If you know something about how to stand out and succeed, don't keep it to yourself.

I do want folks to poke holes in my plan, but "You're just going to fail" is not a comment I can work with. I deal in specifics. I guess that makes me special!

Posted:  4 years, 12 months ago

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Getting ready for Swift Academy

Hi G-Town thank you so much for this info and getting back to me. I did in fact take your advice and my recruiter sent me a list of Swift approved examiners which is where I’ll be going. Yes you are correct they are using concentra have a great day.


Jenny asked:


Hi Errol, So just want to be clear because I’ll be starting at Swift and will be getting my DOT and permit before going to the Indiana school. Does this mean they won’t do a 2nd physical when I get to the school? I just want to be prepared. Thanks in advance.


Hi Jenny. I’m a long-term Swiftie, trained with them and stayed with them.

In order to skip the second physical, confirm with your recruiter where the nearest “Swift Approved” examiner is to your area of residence. Concentra is the provider they will typically send you to, and it’s likely you will receive a discount.

Good luck!

Posted:  4 years, 12 months ago

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Getting ready for Swift Academy

Hi Errol, So just want to be clear because I’ll be starting at Swift and will be getting my DOT and permit before going to the Indiana school. Does this mean they won’t do a 2nd physical when I get to the school? I just want to be prepared. Thanks in advance.

Bill, Swift does have a way to get you your permit. But if you walk in with the permit & physical, you're a week ahead!

Get your permit and physical done ahead of time.

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