Profile For Bernard V.

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    4 years, 11 months ago

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Posted:  4 years, 11 months ago

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Terminated from CR England

When I came back to CR England I had taught it would of changed. I was wrong. My first truck assignment I had been issued a truck that had been sitting for Shop Service, claimed it was good to go. Took on my first load assignment; the truck broke down. It had to be towed back to the yard. 2nd truck issued another truck that had sitting in the yard forever, my new teammate and myself had picked up our first preloaded trailer, for the radiator to just bust and cause the engine to shut down. We had to be towed back to the yard again. the shop had claimed they were going to fix this. but the hood still open and nothing being down to fix the radiator. claimed it would take a couple days to receive parts from freightliner.

The DM then hesitated to give us a newer truck. but had no choice but to give us the newer truck. so we get in, being awake all day still waiting on previous truck to be fixed, dispatch still expected the load assignment to still make it on time. it didn't because of lack of hours of service legal for driving.

I requested to be transferred to a different fleet, for them to give me a probationary period supposedly. when the 2 truck breaking down on us was not our fault. so i went to Regional position finally, but still gave me team required loads. i was sick then, got pneumonia. the company careless of my condition.

First assignment I was fired up and ready, got the mt droppped and picked up reploaded trailer and i was driving hard. I got a phone call from DM to stop at Primm Nevada to SWAP the same load going to the same place. The trailer the other team had gotten had no license plate, so i had to call compliance to get registration for, must be logged on duty. no matter the f your dispatch says. i was awake the whole time until team arrived with load late night that same day, 2139 pm. been communicating through qualcomm obc, on boarding computer. DM calls following morning and yells at me asking why am i still sitting, when i should be in nebraska by now? excuse me? what? I was just swapping trailers, not too long ago. i needed sleep. i explained to him over the phone. Here's where i decide this isn't cool, no more cell phone calls. I'm only communicating via qualcomm and obc only truck computer only. so it's documented. and recorded.

I finally delivered and had picked up a load in minnesota where it was 13 degrees. here i've been emailing dispatch and making carbon copies to other operations managers to ensure they knew i was communicating. my DM had called, then a message on the obc. Call me, or no load. Of course my phone really wasn't working at this time anyway, i messaged i couldn't. that these truck on boarding computers is our primary source of communication no matter what you he wanted.

skipping to towards the end, the last 2 load assignments i had as a Western Regional solo driver were still giving loads that went in the EAST Coast. Evidently there was road closures, in which i still had to chain the freezing cold and blowing wet wind, on i70 that forced me to exit Silverthorne. in Colorado. i got a phone call from a load planner, asking why is it taking me 2 and half hours to chain up? When their policy is if i have to chain, it's safer to just shut down. When previous phone calls i was told if i can chain up and keep moving. After 2 days of being stuck in a freezing truck, i got sick again. and body felt worn out. Regardless, dispatch was still harassing me and micro-managing why I haven't started my clock yet, that i've been off duty 13 hours, when i should only need 10 hours.

in short, they call me in to the slc meeting to terminate me, with the excuse because i couldn't use my cell phone to answer his calls. when i clearly explained the situation and told him showing him proof that my phone wasn't the best. I called another ladder in operations and had a meeting with his boss, for them to both gang up on me like some kind of inferior **** of SH&*t. then to finally give up. nad face that no matter what, they were going to fire me. Later on I had requested in an email and emailed the englands as well if i can get this in writing. to later that morning be told that what they had concluded to write was I was terminated for "Involuntary Performance Breach and Involuntary Late loads". in the email from HR themselves. I have emailed myself my logs in which describes my shutdowns and highway closures. WInk, wink. I have photos of the communication logs.

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