Lakewood, CO
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Experienced Driver
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Just got my CDL in April of 2019. Been doing Drive Away. Enjoyed it. Have a few tips on things I wasnt told about it. Looking for other Drive away companies other than Bennett and Truck Movers.
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Posted: 5 years ago
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After two weeks on the road as a drive away driver I can answer questions
I have drove Drive Away for a year now and company just went bankrupt. Looking for other drive Away Companies other than Bennett and Truck Movers. I have applied with Spirit movers which seems to under pay the drivers but all expenses are paid except food for the driver. Which sucks cause you cant write them off on tax time. And I would suggest anyone doing Drive Away to take $100 a week out of your earning for taxes. I took half that and now owe $3000 and that is with tax write offs and driving $40000 miles and racking up air fairs and motels and fuel, etc.