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Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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Im trying to get into trucking but my crappy work history is blocking my applications to companies
Robert, My husband is in his last stage of training with Prime. He has never been unemployed. worked his last job right up till a few hours before he left to go to school with them, has a spotless driving record, and no criminal history and they still made us jump through so many hoops it was crazy and every day we wanted to give up. Even after he got there it was one thing or another and every day we thought he was gonna get sent home.So unless they give you definite NO, keep pushing. I agree with Brett about the government funded training. If you can get it then do it. If you go with Prime, you have to give them 12 months. If you hate them or decide this isn't for you they don't even give you a chance to pay it back. They send it straight to collections. However, I have heard nothing bad about Prime. That's why he chose them. Yes, we are still new to the company but they seem to really care about their drivers and even their families. Really nice new trucks and an open door policy. Give me a few months and I may change my mind about them but right now it is good. Even if you go with someone else for a while, once you get a few miles behind you, you can always reapply.
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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Prime Inc. trainer wants to take time off but I'm stuck
Thanks Daniel. I really appreciate all the advice. I've asked questions on other sites before and no one ever really responded or it was just stupid answers like they were mocking my questions. He is newer to this than I am, my ex was a driver, but things change. We are just simple people who believe right is right and wrong is wrong, and we assume others believe the same. Really looking forward to hearing from Ernie and what his opinion is of this. This site has been really helpful so far. I wish we had known about it when we started this journey. I think it would have made things a lot easier.
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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Prime Inc. trainer wants to take time off but I'm stuck
Thanks for the advice Brett. I'll let him know and keep you posted.
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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Prime Inc. trainer wants to take time off but I'm stuck
I am actually asking this for my husband who is stuck in a situation and he doesn't know what to do. Need some advice. He is currently training with Prime Inc.He is in his second phase of training,the 30,000 miles. The trainer wants to take 4 days off.Their home towns are about 1000 miles apart. The trainer wants him to either stay in a hotel or rent a car and drive himself home,Neither of which we have the money for. He thinks he intends to be "entertaining" on the truck and wants his privacy. Any comments or suggestions on Primes protocol or what he should do.
Posted: 10 years, 8 months ago
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Cypress Truck lines
Hello all, I need some fast advice. Hubby is needing to change companies because what they pay at his current. ($.30pm) just isn't cutting it. He is just under a year in the industry and has been driving reefer all except is initial drive instructor drove flatbed. He has an offer with Cypress Truck Lines. He of course would train out of Jacksonville FL and then be assigned to the terminal in NC. I have heard mostly bad things about them but it is all 5-10 years old. Please help, we have to make a decision fast