St. Louis, MO
Driving Status:
Considering A Career
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Posted: 4 years, 11 months ago
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From Oilfield to OTR. Questions and concerns.
Thanks for the responses so far and Pete B. that is really what i'm looking for. So, many companies are out there, I don't even know where to start. There are so many things that professional drivers do, that I've never had too, or, just done very differently. (E-logs for instance, we run our logs significantly different than pro drivers) I have been searching the threads, watching a lot of YouTube videos, etc. trying to get a little more insight. Definitely appreciate everything so far.
Posted: 4 years, 11 months ago
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From Oilfield to OTR. Questions and concerns.
Greetings Trucking Truth folks. Over the last year or so, I have been contemplating a career change from the oilfields to OTR driving, but, I do have questions. First off a little about the noob here; I have had my A CDL for quite a few years, (X endorsement) always maintain a current med card, no accidents/ citations/ OOS violations on my record. The vast majority of my paycheck come from when my wheels aren't turning, a complete 180 from the OTR standpoint, therefore although I do drive a tractor/ trailer I don't accumulate very many miles, don't trip plan, in the sense of what y'all do, etc.
I guess my questions are, someone that has CDL, but, has no experience OTR, what companies would be a good fit for training? I would not feel comfortable just hopping into a tractor and taking a load to wherever because I don';t have that experience. I would really need some sort of orientation/ training into OTR driving. Don't get me wrong, I know how to pre-trip, drive a tractor, the basics, but, what I have done with my CDL is night and day different than what the professional drivers do on a day to day basis. Hopefully that makes sense.
So far I have spoken to two companies with complete different answers. Company #1, told me that I would start with them, just like any new student obtaining their CDL. I would sign a contract and have to work for them for a year, while my schooling is paid off. Please don't get me wrong, because I'm not looking for entitlement, but, I really don't see why I would go through another school to obtain my CDL, because I already have it. I'm just looking for some on the job training, ride with a traininer for a bit and whatnot. Is that how most of the major companies do it in my case with little experience? If I'm wrong, I'll accept it, but, I hate to pay for something I already have.
Company #2, They need team drivers and can start me in as little as a week. That kind of offsets what I'm looking for as far as a little bit of training, because my co-driver would be asleep while I drive and vise versa. Nothing to really gain there.
I'm just seeking some guidance on a career change, and hoping some of y'all seasoned veterans can give me some advice.
Posted: 4 years, 11 months ago
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From Oilfield to OTR. Questions and concerns.
Again, great advice, thanks Pete B. I did a lot of searching Trucking Truth, and found the trucking companies review section and that was a goldmine of info for me. I plan on contacting Prime, Maverick and Schneider (based on proximity to where I live and reading posts about those 3 companies) and will continue looking at other companies as well.