Profile For Tim D.

Tim D.'s Info

  • Location:
    White Bluff , TN

  • Driving Status:
    Preparing For School

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    4 years, 11 months ago

Tim D.'s Bio

49 y/o male, married w/children! Career HVAC tech, ready to move onward and upward... GBO!!!

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Posted:  4 years, 11 months ago

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Bad time for new driving school graduate ??

Wow I’ve got an off for paid training through TMC, guess I’d better lock that down and be happy I’ve got it!

Posted:  4 years, 11 months ago

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So I’ve been really struggling with the decision and I think I’ve finally talked myself into it

If you're wanting to be home more frequently have you looked at Roehl? They do multiple types of freight and have many different options for hometime. They do 7 on 7 off, 14 on 7 off etc. I'm not familiar with any type of dedicated accounts they do but if you're looking for more of a part time driving opportunity that may work for you. I'm sure you can change that up after some time. I don't know how that would affect tuition reimbursement or fulfilling a contract if you went through paid training. With Roehl you could try flatbed and if you decide it's not for you it's not too difficult to transition to pulling a dry van or reefer. I'm not saying avoid Schneider by any means. We've had members here do quite well there. I just wanted to point out that Roehl may be a better fit if you're looking at working more of a part time schedule.

Ok, thanks! I’ll look them up and chat with a recruiter... Been reading some of the post on folks struggling with the CDL driving portion, get anxiety just thinking about it...

Posted:  4 years, 11 months ago

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So I’ve been really struggling with the decision and I think I’ve finally talked myself into it

I can't recall if you mentioned it in a previous post but why don't you want to go through a Paid CDL Training Programs? You don't need to be young to do flatbed. I've seen just about every demographic doing flatbed work whether it's young, old, fat, muscular it really makes no difference. At first I'm sure you will be sore like any job but you develop a way to work smart not harder. We've had people from just about every walk of life come through the forum and become a driver. Take a look at this link to see what others posted their profession was Before being a truck driver

If I do paid and get reimbursement I train locally and have no contract, but once I get on a reimbursement program I guess I’m tied to x company... I’m liking the deal at Schneider where with 3 months under my belt I can go part time, that in my mind leaves me an option where I can get home more if I’m just hating life on the road... My plan is to be regional, maybe go dedicated if the opportunity presents itself, but the four day pastime deal at Schneider is appealing too...

Posted:  4 years, 11 months ago

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So I’ve been really struggling with the decision and I think I’ve finally talked myself into it

I can't recall if you mentioned it in a previous post but why don't you want to go through a Paid CDL Training Programs? You don't need to be young to do flatbed. I've seen just about every demographic doing flatbed work whether it's young, old, fat, muscular it really makes no difference. At first I'm sure you will be sore like any job but you develop a way to work smart not harder. We've had people from just about every walk of life come through the forum and become a driver. Take a look at this link to see what others posted their profession was Before being a truck driver

Yeah I see me with a tarp and a 30 mph wind ready to take flight! That make me think, egh why did I pick fb... As for paid training, I know Schneider doesn’t offer it and I’m really looking to jump to their “part time” work after I get enough experience in to get those jobs... To my knowledge, not many others are offering that type of deal...

Posted:  4 years, 11 months ago

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Road testing for Western prayers please

I'm in Nashville for western Express trucking company I take my driving test today. Please pray for me.

When you get time, if you could share your experience with Western I’d appreciate it, I’m looking at paid school in Murfreesboro here in the next couple weeks...

Posted:  4 years, 11 months ago

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So I’ve been really struggling with the decision and I think I’ve finally talked myself into it

Quitting my University HVAC job of 15 years to start a career as a trucker at the ripe ole age of 49... It’s a huge decision, but I’ve “checked out” mentally with my current situation... Just can’t see another summer of being an HVAC dude... For years I’ve romanticized the idea of calling it quits and starting a new career as a professional truck driver...

As some have seen from my earlier post, I was considering going with TMC training and working with those guys, but I have had back surgery, like 18 years ago, no issues, workout, play golf etc, but why mess with the tarps if I don’t have to when it could potentially be an issue somewhere down the road...

Here’s where I’m at with it... I’m in Nashville area, so I’m applying for the TDI school and going to look at the outfits that’ll do tuition reimbursement, with Schneider so far at the top of the list, only thing is idk who all else the school works with on job placement, so who knows where all end up when the dust settles!

Any other former trade folk on here who made the transition into the trucking industry??? Anyone with thoughts on TDI school??? Thoughts on passing on TMC, physically I can handle tarping, that wouldn’t be an issue, I mean I lift weights, have for the past six years, just could see where maybe that’s more of a younger mans work???

Posted:  4 years, 11 months ago

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My family has the Wu-flu, confessions getting stuff off my chest.

Brother popped plus for COVID19, we are still awaiting results for my nephew and sister in law. Since my sister in law is a nurse she is on mandatory isolation since he popped plus. Also 12 ER nurses at our local OHSU hospital all popped plus for this stuff...story here, it has really hit our front line medical staff.

About the only thing I get to do is pray for my family and drop groceries off at the front door and text saying "Dropped off, love yah". I cant even give a hug, go in and say hi or enjoy a meal with my loved ones.

Now the personal is out of the way, I need to get chit off my chest and be real.

I am ticked off at our politicians and the fiscal , economic policy of the last several decades that fostered a dependency on China for so much of what we need. I have seen my generations economic opportunities being sold for pennies on the dollar to everyone but American citizens and now this? My nephew is asthmatic, he is also only 9 years old- COVID could be deadly for him. I sincerely hope this lights a fire in the American people to push for bringing jobs , opportunity and unity back to America. I am tired of seeing our population suffer and endure in the ways we have only because previous generations wanted to save a buck and ship it overseas and because we have career congressmen who keep getting voted in by the same stupid (pardon me) populace who keeps devouring cheaper Chinese goods like an addict in a crack house (I realize that was gritty, its the only way i can describe it).

In the late 90s, myself and several others were laid off from a job as part of a "work force restructure" as I believe it was called or something like that. Turns out it was really a front to allow the company to bring in Chinese workers to be trained to do our jobs for less and then go back to China.

All of this, feels like the ultimate slap in the face , the salt in the wound. Experiencing that , plus years of lost opportunity economic and otherwise, now my family's health...I am over it and I am not going to be PC about it either.

Bring the jobs back, let America do it ourselves, we will be better off and healthier.

I just needed to get all of that out - the good news is my brother's fever broke and his symptoms lessen day by day. So if this cycles through the family they should be cleared in about a month. The only thing that concerns me is my nephews asthma, if anyone were to have to get admitted to the hospital, I could see it being him.

Please pray for him, his name is Anthony and he is a bundle of joy and love, love that kid.

Thanks guys


Prayers for your loved ones during this very scary time... Praying your nephew with asthma is especially strong... I was just tested today for COVID, awaiting results, 72 hours! I’m relatively healthy, but was around nlaws this weekend who are more susceptible, praying I’m just down with a cold... Scary stuff...

Posted:  4 years, 11 months ago

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Terminated by Schneider

Huh... Swift must have got those same defective computers!


Just read through this entire thread, my interest in Schneider led me to the tread! Gotta say as a prospect driver the sensors do give me anxiety and I’m a 49y/o safe driving dude... Granted Christian sounds like he’s a punk and his a blatant disregard for authority, so there’s that... Man I just wanna go through school, get trained up, go through company orientation, learn their equipment, their way and ride al while making some money... Hope these sensors aren’t an issue, but I guess if they’re not for the vast majority of the industry, I’ll figure them out... Sorry to bring up a dead thread, but for prospects such as myself I feels it’s a good read on many levels!

Posted:  4 years, 11 months ago

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TMC CDL training


I've copied this from TMC's webpage regarding what you need before you attend their trianing:


All you need to have prior is your CDL Learners permit from your state of residence


You guys are great, making this rather tough decision a little easier! Nervous as h*** of the change, but excited to have this opportunity at the same time...

Posted:  4 years, 11 months ago

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TMC CDL training

I didn’t pick up which state you were from, are you in their eligible for paid training areas. It is different from their hiring area. Also, they may change it based on current needs without updating their site. Best bet, just call them back and clarify. That will take all the guesswork out. They are pretty straight forward .

I’m in Tennessee, so I’m in their hiring area... I called Dawn back after she left an email requiring more info, got her voicemail... Thanks for info and help...

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