Panhandle, TX
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Experienced Driver
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Retired public servant for the Peoples Republic of Kommiefornia. Now off fulfilling dreams and making memories!!
Posted: 4 years, 10 months ago
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How Does An Owner/Operator Take A Vacation?
Can't think of the name but it's a danged good song. Always gives me goose bumps!! 😂😂
Posted: 4 years, 10 months ago
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Prime Refrigerated - Springfield, Missouri - Spring 2020
"5 mins into the powerpoint presentation, a classmate showed up late. The instructor told her that if she's late again, Prime will not like it and may send her home, he also told her to leave and come back in with Group B."
I saw her with your group yesterday morning and then in our Sim class (showed up late! 😳😳) in the evening!!
Enjoying the accounts. Very realistic!! 😆😆