Profile For Michael T. B.

Michael T. B.'s Info

  • Location:
    Lafayette, IN

  • Driving Status:
    Experienced Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    11 years, 1 month ago

Michael T. B.'s Bio

I'm 46 years old have been a driver for Marten Transport / Werner..In the past. Been out behind the wheel for over 7 plus yr's. Clean RECORD! No DUI'S EVER/NO JAIL TIME EVER! Need to get back into trucking to beef-up my resume...Been a stay home father with my two beautiful kids....Now is the time to get back into the work force. My Wife is in the healthcare prof.; she is losing her hours, etc!

I just need a chance to prove to myself that I can make some money and make my wife/family happy-er:)

I feel that i'm an experienced driver but in some other areas i'm not! Being out of trucking and OTR, has proven to be really hard to get on with a good company!!

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Posted:  11 years, 1 month ago

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Stay at home father needing to get back into it!

Thanks so much! Guy Hodges-

Looking like I need a Refresher Course, I might be starting over or at least having to take a step back before I can take a step forward. ~Right:)

Keep a sharp eye out for those crazy 'four-wheelers'...God Bless ya and be safe!


Posted:  11 years, 1 month ago

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Stay at home father needing to get back into it!

Yes, that's correct my wife and I made a "Huge" decision, way back in the summer of 2005. She would bring home the bacon($$)--And I would stay at home with our children. It was a big step for both of us, but especially for myself! Coming off the road and not providing dollars and cents(monies)~into our newly marriage and family. Don't get me wrong I've gleaned so much, about how women have that special in-aptitude(patience) with small kids & toddlers...etc! And over the past 7-1/2 years....I would not have it any other way~Staying at home and being their and seeing them grow--up. "Was and is still so special!!!"

My experience (OTR)<L)/DEDICATED routes with my first job being with that big company in Nebraska:| And then I got on with 'Blue BIRD' Marten Transp., much better pay and not a bad company.... Even though they had a law-suit placed on them. Drivers were awarded back-pay! Yeap, I got my settlement! I have a total of about 250,000 accident free miles and 2yr's driving under my belt....I really miss the open road,and now I need to get back with it! My CDL IS VERY CLEAN-No DUI'S/JAIL TIME~EVER!

Reasons: 'getting back into trucking' * I'll have more respect from my other half(my wife)...Needing my Resume/financial statues back on track. * Times are really bad, my wife has an ok/good j.o.b. 'supervisor in the healthcare Industry'.... But her Hours are being cuttt! ~Obama-care! No I/we can't blame it all on him. ~Or can we!! * Also finally, I JUST NEED MY MANHOOD BACK! :)And more money to help my Family~Only God knows...!

My Q: Is--I have NO present experience behind the wheel, for the past 7+ years. So, I feel that I wouldn't mind getting a "Long Haul" gig. But my resume is lacking--will any company hire mee! I'm feeling just a little defeated! I just need to beef-up my experience so I can get that 'awesome' local job, ~Right!?

Pls, send some good positive feed-back on what and which good quality companies would hire someone..Like myself. ~M.T.Bowling

Posted:  11 years, 1 month ago

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BTW- That post above is a misprint, I hit the wrong button...I'm new to this sites tags,etc!

My Question: Is for those truckers that might have been or are in the same position. That have been off/out of work, behind the wheel for over 7 plus years. I used to drive for Werner~then quickly left there and went to a better company...Martin Transport "Blue-Bird".

I have in total driving (otr) miles about 200,000 w/2 years experience...This was in 2003-2005. Here is the thing, my record is clean and up to date...Some companies might not even hire someone like myself. If anyone might be wondering what I've been doing for the past seven to eight yr's!? No not jail or No I didn't move out of the country....I came off the road, only to stay at home with our children. Now they are in school, and a little older:) --ie, not babies/toddlers!

Back to the main point of my Q: Will a quality mid-sized company even hire someone like myself?!? If I have this Huge cap in my resume.....I'am in my mid 40's and I really need to get back into the work-force!! I really feel that my only chance to get hired back on, might be one of those huge companies....Like Werner/Night/England/Swift etc! I personally think that would be a wrong turn. I see a lot of great 'okay good companies' out there that I would like to drive for.....But they are asking/looking for recent experience behind the wheel.

Pls send me some positive feedback, Oh, and no me and my wife are not splitting up:) ~I just want to get back with it! I'm a Hard Working God Fearing American! From central Indiana:)

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