Profile For CortaroAz.

CortaroAz.'s Info

  • Location:
    Tucson, AZ

  • Driving Status:
    In CDL School

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    11 years, 2 months ago

CortaroAz.'s Bio

I am currently a student @ American Career Builders.. Training for Class A CDL w/Haz-Mat Tanker Endorsements. I wasnt sure if this was going to be my choice but the e-mail recieved from intake personal tonight said I Was Accepted. Have My Medical Examier Certificate( DOT CARD ) Personal Grant Will Be Looked over 12-17-2013 Class Starts 01-06-2014.. Cant Wait....

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Posted:  11 years ago

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In defense of Daniel B.

dancing.gifdancing.gif Head Up Pinkle..LOL Its a Kool Color I Like It.. My wife said she does to...

Posted:  11 years ago

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In defense of Daniel B.

dancing.gifdancing.gif Head Up Pinkle..LOL Its a Kool Color I Like It.. My wife said she does to...

Posted:  11 years ago

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In defense of Daniel B.

dancing.gifdancing.gif Head Up Pinkle..LOL Its a Kool Color I Like It.. My wife said she does to...

Posted:  11 years ago

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In defense of Daniel B.

dancing.gifdancing.gif Head Up Pinkle..LOL Its a Kool Color I Like It.. My wife said she does to...

Posted:  11 years ago

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Calling all flatbedders: Western Express Vs. Melton

A friend of mine whom is stuck in the 70's and doesn't have internet asked me to post this question, Who has worked for either or both companies? I know old school drives for WE but If I remember correctly he is not a skateboarder. Any input would be nice.

Melton's is a good company I have talked to the recruiters at both places. I felt like i was talking to a car salesman when i was on phone with WE and Melton's told me straight to the point what they expect no bull ya know. I havent worked for these companies but have like I stated talked to the Recruiters. Hope this helps alittle Be Safe

Posted:  11 years ago

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A few questions and a short story :)

I had a young lady start the CDL process but some of the guys in class were let's say unkind to her. I was like wtheck. I am an older gentleman who see all people as equals. Money fame or broke we are all the same. So the 3rd day of class I decided to sit beside her to see if the man vent would come to me. I am the kind of person where my back needs to be against the wall and i need to be able to see everything. Well I took myself out of my comfort zone to see if I could help ease the stress of this young lady. I didnt like the feeling of being in the middle with some1 behind me but did it Just Cause. Well day 4 come's and she was still there. We held conversation and I told her if she needed help I was there. Gave her my personal number and my home number. Told the wife I did it and if she calls if I am unable to answer to come get me. Day 5 was a bad day for her in the sense the hater's started again on her. I did step up to defend but to noavail I only stopped 1 of them. I know him outside of class so I told him class is class but life is what happens outside those doors. The day to get out permit at DOT. She didnt show. No call from her I was worried. I was so angery I was praying all the guys failed their test so they would be back of the class and I would move forward. I passed and so did they. I was so mad I voiced my thoughts to them all back in the class and I wasnt talking very clean. Well got a call from the young lady so told me thank you for being nice to me but I decided to go to a school that had a higher rate of women in class and in truck. I was crushed. Please if you have to go through a place don't let the hater's discourage you.

Now on a personal note. I am in the process of moving from one state to another put a few pre hires on hold and i miss the shifting and being the biggest on the road of many 4 wheelers. I was wondering how someone comes up with a CB handle?. Not as important as my move but was just tring to get that figured out.

God Bless And Be Safe All

Posted:  11 years, 1 month ago

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Newbie what to take with me while I go to atend classes for prime truck driving school

I am pretty sure Prime has a list of stuff to take with you. You could call the recruiter you talked to and ask if he has something with a general idea of what to take. Steven's Transport sends you a lot of good information maybe go to their website to get a good idea..

Posted:  11 years, 1 month ago

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You knew it was like it is before you got into trucking.....

shocked.png I am not a professional trucker yet but I agree. There is a lot of pro's and con's people should think about in the Trucking World. I have my mind set on ending with a career I know I can do. I have a family life just like alot of us do. But my life can't go forward without a career that I will die for. Was away from home some times I did 21 on 7 off. I really regreted going home because the list of things to do while you are home got way 2 long and very expensive. So finally my wife and I have came to an agreement. If a list is to be made please keep it short and remember my time at home will be about 4 days long. That will give me 1 day of laundry and food shopping. The last day home will be with a remote in 1 hand and a Soda in the other. I am not sure if I made a point here but I have read a lot of post on here and figured I would throw a students word in.. God Bless All and Be Safe..

Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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How long should a rookie stay out for at a time

I was told by an older person when I got into the oilfields that my Hitch on my rig is a per se' of being deployed in the Miltary. So at first it was hard not seeing my wife for 7 to 14 days at a time. It was even harder when I got home to leave again. But as the honey do list got bigger I enjoyed my long days away. It made it more of a vacation away from the daily grind of being Mr. FixIt Now Man.. LOL I would think as the hauls get farther from the house I peronally know she has a good family base to help her when or if a fixit now problem happens. I currently live in a home that has Daddy Gone.. He's Active Duty USMC. I am the role model until Daddy return's a few time's a Year. I was at first scared to go OTR due to losing time with the kids. I have a 2 year old neice thats my little buddy. Missing time away from her will for sure bug me more then being away from my Wife. How I see it if you can handle being gone 4 or 5 week then you have 4 or 5 days to spend time with the wife, or do the Mr.FixIt Now Duties...LOL

Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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Central just gave me a new 2014 truck....

shocked.png I dont blame you on turning down the smoke smelling truck. U have to be careful with ur health and comfort driving long distances..

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