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Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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Werner Regional / Dedicated vs Western Express
Despite my first post, about hair test, for 1 of 3 companies, I was prehired for... Western Express and Werner are my choices, now. I haven't found any positive reviews on Western's flatbed division, or any positive about them. Not to mention, the low to mid 90's CSA rating, even though they have all new trucks. When I first started in the industry, late 90's to early 2000, Werner was good. Now, not hearing that so much, since the father stepped down. Anyone have experience or knowledge, pertaining to how they are now?
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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This will sound bad... But, the situation: Broke a tooth in half, exposing cavity and nerves, took several over the counter meds that wasn't working. And, had a dentist appt scheduled. But, was given a couple pain meds, that a dentist probably wouldn't prescribe for that, hydro or oxy, don't remember I don't keep up with pills. Anyways, getting prehired with a company that does hair, pain meds 1 of the top 5, to be tested?
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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Werner Regional / Dedicated vs Western Express
In all honesty, I'd rather do flatbed, have 3 yrs with it. But, Werner, was the first company I went to, from trucking school, in '99. Therefore, I gave them a shot. But, if things don't work out, Western flatbed is where I will be heading. I would like to know, if the 40-44 cpm, that the recruiter told me I would get, is actually real. And, that the miles are consistent. Werner, is giving me .34, we shall see. As of now, bored, on a greyhound headed to Indy, for orientation, hoping they keep their promise to be home on / by Christmas. Have a 14 month old, that was hard to leave. But, bills gotta get paid, to keep a happy home.