Profile For Jake M.

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Posted:  4 years, 10 months ago

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Werner Vs CRST

I am a student driver still with Werner. I have nothing to compare them too, but I think I made the right decision for myself. I was told yesterday by my student advisor that my trainer thinks I am a good driver and I am grasping and retaining all the concepts he is teaching me very well. Although, My backing on a 45 still isn’t very good. I was told that I will be exiting the training phase early and start preparing to get my own truck pretty soon.

I can answer some Werner questions for you when I have time. We run very hard. All I do is run out my clock and sleep. Lol

Hey key city ! I know this is old and you’ve likely been in your own truck... but I’m interested in Werner — could you explain the time table of orientation to promoting to your own truck ? I’ll be comming in with CDL ; just no experience. Thanks !

Posted:  4 years, 10 months ago

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New Grad: decision - prime or covenant ?


The best way to negotiate tuition reimbursement that is truly a reimbursement not a pay doc.


Clarify. Negotiate tuition?

Also, if you mean reimbursement as in deducting their payment from your paycheck, that's the way it's done.

BTW 11 year in a middle school grade math class here.

Errol ! How cool is that — what made you leave the classroom ?

Also , yea I feel it’s oretty standard ... but one of my instructors was like “ save your receipt .... some schools reimburse you and it’s a true payout not a pay doc “ Which I was thinking somewhere must be true Because my school was on the cheaper side . ???

Posted:  4 years, 10 months ago

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New Grad: decision - prime or covenant ?

I'm still a rookie and know nothing about covenant but I will say Prime treats me great. My truck has all the bells and whistles trailer even has a scale on it so never worry about leaving shipper overweight. Training was long and you will appreciate that only when you go solo cause training is rough I'm sure anywhere. In this big maze you learn the most by doing and being out here it helps to have a trainer for awhile. That said I will never share a truck with anyone by choice again. Prime gives me the miles to afford all the things I wanted on truck, fridge, microwave, t.v, CB, hotspot, etc.. if I can fit it and want it. And an APU is a nice thing to have. Just my pennies.

Hey 40 days — glad to hear another happy Prime driver . I heard another guy discuss the great training platform . Which I’m down for . - Can you tell me how yours was start to finish ( ie. Orientation + Miles and days driven = to get into your own truck ? )

- I take it prime does not have a trainer match Survey ?

- will prime let you request a manual ? Can’t remember if they boast auto — but I prefer manual

Thanks !

Posted:  4 years, 10 months ago

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New Grad: decision - prime or covenant ?

Hey thanks Errol! Those resources are invaluable ....I am excited to sift through them.

Yea, I graduate class in a couple weeks....have all my endorsements; paid for class out of pocket.

I am a biology teacher by trade ....still on payroll...but I dont see us going back to normal ...even in the fall --so here I am ! Fufilling a childhood dream!

So Ive been digging questions of out Werner, Prime, and Covenant via phone calls because they all seem to have good training platforms and decent employee reviews.

Heres what I am looking for:

- OTR training experience that is not a teaming gimmick to bind me and hold me back from solo hauling. - Proximal to North Carolina-- which I guess doesn't matter since they let me take the truck home -The best way to negotiate tuition reimbursement that is truly a reimbursement not a pay doc. - and a pro/con list of any or all (3) of those companies. -

Posted:  4 years, 10 months ago

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New Grad: decision - prime or covenant ?

Trying to weigh the pros and cons ... hard to tell if recruiters are 100% giving the whole story. Pay seems similar but Leaning towards covenant because training is a little shorter and they have a trainer matching program and would allow me to bring my dog along . Any body able to chime in either way ? Thanks ( I already read form Topic 26326 and didn’t see what I was looking for )

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