Jacksonville, FL
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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After working for a veterinary hospital for almost 4 yrs and feeling over worked and under appreciated, getting hours cut and a denied raise I decided to get my CDL for a much needed income jump. My family’s not too happy but you gotta do what you gotta do. I’m a mother of 4 with two who are still in the nest and are looking forward to joining me OTR when they can. Looking forward to this new chapter and a good adventure.
Posted: 4 years, 10 months ago
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New grad with a few questions especially with this COVID situation
Hey, I got my CDL in Feb and then all of this happened with this virus so I’ve had to pull back to tend to the fam. I feel like I’m down to the lesser evils. From what I’ve read so far there hasn’t been much, if anything good to say about CRST, Steven’s and May. I’m looking to go solo after orientation so I’m guessing that puts CRST out of the list but I saw on their site they have different divisions and some parts didn’t really explain much. I’ve applied at a few local spots too but no bites yet. I’m wondering, how has COVID affected the miles/training? I was told that Stevens runs more miles on avg than May but May has that “daily pay” so I’m still weighing my options and planning on calling one if not all soon. Thanks in advance for your advice and opinions. Be safe.
Posted: 4 years, 10 months ago
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Need advice from truckers with pets on truck
No exp trucking here - yet - but I use to work for a vet hospital. They would recommend those pheromone calming plug ins. Might be worth a shot. I’ve never had to get one until now and I’d swear it’s been working (some negative reviews aside). My cats have never touched noses before until today. One still hisses at the other but I’ve never seen them that close. I’ve had cat for about 3 yrs and introduced the new one about two months ago. Anyway, I got Feliway but there are a few other brands and there’s calming collars too. I hope this helps.