Profile For Spartan

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    Houston , TX

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    Company Driver In Training

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Posted:  4 years, 10 months ago

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Wilson Logistics CDL Training-Springfield, MO-May 2020

Well, Tuesday was test day. I was fortunate to pull the entire pre-trip inspection. Knocked that out and missed one item. Not too bad for missions one out of the the entire inspection. I pulled the sight side offset. Knocked that out no problems. Last was the 90 alley dock. I was confident on this one. Backed it right into the spot and cleared it out. Passed all those skills and off to the road test. Completed the road test, and I heard those magical words ‘YOU PASSED!!’ All that relief finally came down and I was pumped. My wife drive up the weekend and we planned on riding home together to Houston so I could get my license taken care of at the DPS office. I walked by her, on my way back to the office, and said It got a curb and need to rest test.’ She just looked at me and then I said, haha I’m kidding. I passed. After a few choice words she laughed. I had to mess with her. Haha

After the test, I signed some papers and began my onboarding as an employee with Wilson. Knocked out simulators, ID Badge, paperwork and getting my fuel card. Signed the CDL First Time Pass board which students sign when they pass the first time. Really impressed on how they did it by recognizing students that pass. Wilson is a family atmosphere and cares about the progression of their employees. Left Springfield, MO around 1600 yesterday and made it back to Houston this morning around 0230-0245.

I have my appointment at the DPS office on Friday to get my license taken completed. Spoke with my new trainer and will hopefully meet up Friday evening or Monday. Just waiting to see when he will be in Houston since he is currently in UT. Going to knock out these 30k miles on my next phase. Excited and ready for this next journey.

I will keep updates on my training. It’s been a great experience.

Posted:  4 years, 10 months ago

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Wilson Logistics CDL Training-Springfield, MO-May 2020

Well, it was a busy week. We knocked out 3500 miles with a 34 hr reset. Not too bad to finish out my week. Made it back to Springfield Wednesday night and got back to the training facility Thursday and Friday. I was able to get some practice in on both days and help the new students on their skills as well. Been a very busy but productive week. I’m ready to knock out this CDL test. I test Tuesday morning at 0730. So I will have tomorrow to knock out some more practice on the pad just to stay sharp. I already set my appointment up for this week at the DPS office in Houston so I can get my CDL paperwork and license completed. *Advice for those in Texas (May apply to other states), make sure to set your appointment as soon as you can once you know when you will test if this COVID is still causing issues* So after I test Tuesday and pass (I’m confident), I will have some onboarding paperwork and Some other things to take care of. The plan is to leave Tuesday afternoon for Houston, TX. I am ready to see my kiddos. My wife came up Saturday and is staying up here until Tuesday. We will head back together. Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I will keep y’all updated.

Posted:  4 years, 10 months ago

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Wilson Logistics CDL Training-Springfield, MO-May 2020

I was already in the process of getting my permit before all of this mess happened. I was at the mega center on Veterans Memorial off 45 getting it done. I had to wait over 2 hours and then when it was time to take the written test, they were closing. I emailed DPS three times and finally received an email to go to the mega center off of S. Gessner. So I was able to finish it that way now. Gov. Abbott just put out a timeline for DPS offices opening up in phases. ( It seems Houston/Harris County won’t open until June 2nd or so. That website I posted should help. If you need any other help, let me know.

Posted:  4 years, 10 months ago

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Wilson Logistics CDL Training-Springfield, MO-May 2020

Corey- You must get your permit from your home state before attending the training program. The CPM is .44 but can be up to .49 if you hit your fuel bonus. But to start, just go with the .44 CPM. This is for OTR side. They guarantee up to 2500-3000 miles weekly. Freight is picking up, and we aren’t sitting waiting for loads. That’s where communication with your FM is vital. Communicate daily and let them know your availability. We have had a load waiting for us before we unload. Wilson Logistics training is great. I’ve had no complaints. My trainer is awesome. So just be willing to knock it out.

Posted:  4 years, 10 months ago

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Wilson Logistics CDL Training-Springfield, MO-May 2020

Thanks Tortuga. Well, we made it to SC. Dropped the trailer and had to wait an hour for an empty trailer. Once we got the trailer, noticed the rear driver’s side marker light was out. Went to a TA, got it fixed, and made it south of Atlanta to our next pick up. Dropped our trailer there, picked up the new loaded trailer and shut down. Got back up and left Atlanta area and made it to Orange, TX. We definitely knocked out some miles within a few days. Stopped in Orange, TX at the Flying J around 4 am this morning to do a 34 hour reset since we don’t have to deliver until tomorrow night at 1930. We tried to make it closer into Houston since I live there and my family could come see me. We pushed because my little girl had her birthday party today but we couldn’t due to hours. It’s all good. I know what my goal is with training and getting my CDL. I was still part of her birthday party thanks to FaceTime (haha). So I made sure I am getting plenty of rest and studying here and there today. Just waiting to hit the road tomorrow to get going.

Posted:  4 years, 10 months ago

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Wilson Logistics CDL Training-Springfield, MO-May 2020

My apologies for the delay in getting back. First, Jeffrey, congrats on getting on the training program. I don’t believe you will have any regrets or issues. Just make sure to come in with an open mind and be a sponge for learning. Make sure you ask any questions you have or concerns while in the program. I am loving every bit of it. I’m sure I will see you sometime during the training. So an update, we delivered Tuesday morning in Atlanta and waited forever to get into the facility because of this COVID. Finally got unloaded and had a load waiting for us in Cartersville, GA. Drove up there to do a drop and hook. Once hooked up to the new loaded trailer, we were bound for Little Rock, AR. Stopped in Birmingham, AL around 1400 to take a quick 10 hr break since there wouldn’t be much parking options outside of Birmingham. We didn’t want to stop in Memphis. Left Birmingham at midnight after we had to get security to move trucks that were illegally parked and blocking us in at the Pilot. Made it to Little Rock about 0645 and was unloaded, by 0830. Took a 10 hr break while waiting for our next load. Picked one up in Jonesboro, AR last night around 2130. We stopped East of Nashville, TN this morning around 0400. This load is going to SC, so we will deliver tonight (drop and hook). So far, I am getting plenty of drive time and my trainer is letting me get the work in. I feel really confident and enjoying it. Been a good week so far. Found out that I test on June 2nd. I’m ready-wish it was here already. Well, just waiting for 1400 to hit so we can take off. Well, everyone be safe!!

Posted:  4 years, 10 months ago

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If You Have Concerns About Starting Your Trucking Career Now... Take A Look At This

Great information Old School. I was just there last night around 2130 and saw all these trailers you are talking about. We dropped one and picked up another. Stay safe brother!

Posted:  4 years, 10 months ago

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Wilson Logistics CDL Training-Springfield, MO-May 2020

Been busy the last few days. Day 4 was all pad training. I definitely have down all backing requirements and nailed my in cab inspection when one of the instructors asked me to do it on the spot. I feel really good about where I am at, and just wish I could take my test. Haha. Day 5 started on the pad and left with my trainer at 1130. We went to the store to load up on groceries and get ready. We received a load picking up in Springfield and has two drops-one in AL and the other in GA. Stayed in the truck Friday night and we left to get the trailer Saturday morning. We picked up the trailer at the Prime facility, and went on our way. We didn’t push hard since we have until Monday to get to our destination in AL which is only roughly 500 miles. Stopped in Charleston, MO for the night and sat down to eat which was really nice for a change. Sunday-woke up at 3 am and left out by 345. Arrived in Gadsden, AL at the Petro around 1145. We deliver roughly 20 miles away at 0930 tomorrow morning. So it’s a bunch of sitting until tomorrow, but that’s how it goes. My trainer is awesome. We have a lot in common and he is definitely knowledgeable. I pick his brain as much as I can to get any knowledge. Well, going to study some and get some rest as well. Hope everyone has had a great weekend. I’ll update soon.

Posted:  4 years, 10 months ago

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Griffin CDL Diary- Wilson Logistics

Griffin- Thank you for the updated information. I greatly appreciate it. Glad to see that you’re on your own. They moved my training up to this past Monday since a spot opened up in Springfield, MO. There are three of us in our class. The fourth person had to leave Monday due to medical reasons. Definitely getting lots of reps on the pad and getting this training knocked out. Keep in touch and be safe!

Posted:  4 years, 10 months ago

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Wilson Logistics CDL Training-Springfield, MO-May 2020

Day 2- Rainy morning which lasted all day. Started the morning going through contracts for CDL training/program. After this, started on simulators until lunch. Our instructor through some scenarios on us during the driving. Really enjoyed it. After lunch, we hit the pad to go over pre-trip for the entire tractor/trailer and requirements CDL testing. Due to only 3 of us in the class, we are getting lots of hands on time, during this process. Getting repetitions and getting that muscle memory down. After pre-trips, the other two guys had to take care of some paperwork and training videos. The instructor said c’mon and let’s go back to the pad. He let me do some straight line backing and offset. I really took advantage of this one on one time, along with picking his brain for any information.

Day 3: We were on the pad all day. We went through everything with backing such as straight line, offset, parallel and 90 degree. Instructors were very informative and stated we were way ahead of schedule. No complaints from them and they welcomed our attentiveness and hunger for learning. We all really got a lot of reps in and I can honestly say it is great. I’m glad we aren’t having to sit around and wait hours to take turns in the seat. Tomorrow is the same thing with training on the pad. Found out who my trainer OTR will be for the next few weeks until CDL testing. Met him, and we roll out Sometime on Friday.

The instructors are great at giving criticism and praise. They are there for our best interest and it shows. Can’t wait to get some training in tomorrow and get after it.

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