Profile For Amanda L.

Amanda L.'s Info

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    4 years, 8 months ago

Amanda L.'s Bio

Im a 43 yr young mother of 2 spent the better part of 19 years driving truck in the Alberta oil field. Love seeing more ladies behind the wheel! there want many when I got started. There's not much I cant pull. If I can pin it I can haul it. bulk cement, CO2 ,N2 Pipeline equipment. flat decks. Almost everything in between. Now my husband and I have our own truck. hubby gets to drive. I'm sure I love it more than he dose. I love being a mom but I miss the road.

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Posted:  4 years, 8 months ago

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Wanna save the world?? Ask a truck driver!

Hey every one first time to this. your probably wondering about the subject line. lol I know seems odd. Here's the thing I was talking with my husband the other day about all the crazy crap going on in the world right now . He had a typical mind frame " well if its all going to hell I'm going camping!" lol So I rambled on about all my ideas on how to save the world, and as always I told him if you want to solve the worlds problems as a truck driver! lol ( that's how we met I drove truck for 10 plus years in the oil patch until I had kids) now we have our own truck and he getting to drive I get live vicariously through his trips. I still find myself still drifting in to thought when I hear something on the news or talking with friends. most of the time it starts with if I won the lottery id do ……. Id love to here some of your thoughts on it. how would you solve a random problem in the world? My big one is our food. everything is so GMO and our soil is lacking in so many nutrients that Id like to open a massive green house/hot house to grown healthier vegies and local fruits. id like to pay really well have transport service for those who need it on site daycare for people with littles who need extra help. even maybe be able to teach them a new skill if they are new to the work force. single parents and the like. like I said it normaly starts with... if I won the lottery! :-)

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