Boston , MA
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Considering A Career
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New guy... thinking of giving it a go... Need go to CDL training first... trying to learn all about it. Anyone know if Roehl or CFI is good one ??
Posted: 4 years, 9 months ago
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Trucker Expenses have to pay ?
What all are the expenses or Outofpocket money truck driver has to shell out ... I assume you all have pay for your own food eats while working nite/day trucking, right ? But how's it work who pays for things like :: 1. huge loads gas or fillups ? 2. tolls or wgh station fees ? 3. if State cop stops ya cites you a speeding tix or some code truck violation ? who's responsible driver or company ?? who pays ? 4. Vehicle or driver insurance ? or Liability insurance?.. like do i have to tell my personal car insurance that I got a CDL-A now not just classD, and semitruck driver now ? Are they gonna up up increase my personal car ins or is it totally separate thing? 5. If truck or driver has accident minor or major ? What happens? Does driver have to pay company back maybe at least their ons. deductible, like maybe $2-3000 . Or does company have big ins and cover it all and just warn driver, if wasn't really his fault? 6. anything else Drivers have to pay cash $$ outoftheir own pockets ? 7. Do most company refund reimburse driver expenses later ? Maybe only the best ones do that ?
Posted: 4 years, 9 months ago
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General trucking career questions
Thanks Turtle for reply... u sound look like been around. I just hope yur right.. I believe you.. but still lots of doubts how it works or will work for me.. First.. I'm not so lucky.. i got no home like 1-2 acre spread to park my bighuge rig on grass next to my private hse ya know. ... like i see O/O drivers do. 1. And I'm sure if I live in some apt complex.. None NO apt place gonna let me park my big tractor rig in the pkg lot for hardly even few hrs let alone couple nites every every month.. even if I have a paid apt there... They all got lots rules.. legal pkg so limited today everywhere. Am i right? 2. Like why even bother pay $800-$1000+ /month for apt if driving OTR big rigs... I would only be " home" for like 3 days maybe twice monthly for most big truck companies ? right? Seems like might as well have no apt place of my own.. just live in the sleeper truck or my own car for couple nites.. then " hittheroad" again. What do u think ? Any ideas suggestions? Any options I might have?
3. So for me kinda think why bother even have apartment or "room' or so-called "home" bc I can't really take park the rig anywhere.. plus I got my personal car i want need to keep.. ya know. I can't drive both at same time. So I got a two vehicle pkg problem right off the bat. You look like successful family trucker got prob nicehouse land so can park yur rig at "home", right? I can't. Only reason for a "home" for me, be for company tax, state inc deduction,fica, and paycheck reasons right? It's sorta like I be homeless or almost living out of nearest company terminal... sad.. and would suckk.
2. With these monster rig tractors can u legally even park on a side road in a suburb let's say like a car even pay pkg meter for few hrs and not get ticket or worse towed even.. I dunno no clue. Isn't tractor first wayy too big wide to even park in a pkg spot for cars ?? Like cops be all over u fast right? Only place be they truck stop or rest stop or Terminal ? Sorry so long... have no idea how it realy works. 5. Is there even big need now or jobs for "old guys in 60s" "newrookies"like me.. with companies like Roehl or CFI ? Esp now with Covid virus stupid thing and economy down so much. i hope so... but wonder. Thx for the help.
Posted: 4 years, 9 months ago
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General trucking career questions
Hi.. total new guy here.. hope ok ask few questions here... tried to read alot good stuff here... so much.. 1. How do ya get home back home after u doing OTR company driving let's say 14-15 days onjob straight out.. you're due to go home now... . but You and your tractor are down in Phoenix let's say... and home is back Boston ??? So what happens? Like I guess you got maybe 3days off usually for days off home... ?? Do you not get get to go back to "home" in Boston and have suck it up stay in sleeper sit wait parked for 3days in company Terminal pkg lot. ( that would suckk).. or Do you get drive the tractor all way back home ?( don't laugh ... I know ridiculous. . but want to know Truth Facts... How does it work ? ) Even if company is good tried to sched me to drop a load closer back to the northeast .. then do they release you for timeoff and then go back to "Home" for just few days ? Seems like almost impossible thing to ever get back "Home" for the days off, if your hundreds or thousands miles away ( always) driving OTR all over. 2. Where do drivers leave park their personal car when they go initially to start pickup their truck and start trips ?? Can do they park their car longterm at closest company yard or something and then jump into their truck ?? Or just leave it at home ( if lucky have one)... and hitch ride or Uber to company yard ?? thx for helping a new guy... soo many questions.
Posted: 4 years, 9 months ago
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Starting a trucking career at 63... and during this pandemic...
I'm thinking of giving it a shot too in my early60's.. have no clue.. but it seems sounds like be good great maybe job. Anybody have suggestion which be best paid company trng for getting yur CDL ?? .. like: Roehl in WI, or CFI in MO, others? Both Roehl and CFI sound really good. very similar... use nice KWt680 trucks mostly I think . Both have like 4wk of company paid trng then go onroad with instructor .. i think. Anybody know feel which one be better maybe for new guy trying to get started ? Thx alot for this forum.. so cool really interesting and helpful. All you guys girls be safe .. thx
Posted: 4 years, 9 months ago
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General trucking career questions
Oh forgot one more thing.. How or why would any big or small company let you drive their tractor back to your "home" if let's say u still gotta drive another 200-300 miles or more (after dropping the load ) to get from the closest Terminal back "home" ???
1. Are they really gonna let u use their truck and " their" Diesel fuel to just get back home? Does driver have to pay or reimburse the company some $$ ? ohh and put alot extra Mileage on their rig... carrying no load meaning no moneymaking for company , right?
2. And again.. Liability.. with their Truck.. if yur officially off-duty and offclock ... what if have breakdown or worse accident on way back to get "home" ? then what?
3. Or does company just cover Driver anytime if yur driving it ? Is driver just Always covered by company insurance and all gas and oil used is paid for by the company ??
Is the gas, oil, and wear tear on Truck really so little minor for major truck company - they will cover it ? since (maybe) if they want care bout their Driver's rest and chance to go "home" regular like?? thxxx