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Posted: 4 years, 9 months ago
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Part-time Trucking - Is it Possible?
Hi. I know this topic has been discussed before and I have read some of the comments which mostly say it's not a very likely possibility. But, if you will allow me, I'd like to readdress it.
I am not a trucker. I'm 49 years old, married for the last 23 years, have one kid who will be a junior in high school and one who is a young adult. My wife is a physician so I have pretty much been what people used to call, "Mr. Mom" while she has been working on her schooling, training and career over the last 17 years. It may sound weird to some of you but it's worked for us. Now, I want to try something new as my youngest is getting older and trucking just keeps coming at me in the form of Youtube vlogs and websites like this.
Anyway, to me driving a truck looks fun and interesting and I think I can see myself doing it but only on a part time basis. Being OTR for long stretches would not work for me or my family. But, working maybe three days a week or something similar would. I just read in one of the posts that Brett Aquilla wrote that he was able to take long stretches of time off from the big companies that he's worked for and they didn't mind at all. Here is the quote:
I've taken MONTHS off at times and simply been told, "Ok, just turn your truck in to the terminal and let us know when you're ready to return and we'll get ya goin' again."
Click here for articlehttps://www.truckingtruth.com/trucking_blogs/Article-23/choosing-a-truck-driving-job-part-v-comparing-large-trucking-companies-to-small-ones
So, I ask again, is it possible to work part time in the trucking industry for the big companies or is it pretty much a no-go? Any input, advice or stories will all be very much welcomed and appreciated. Thank you.
Posted: 4 years, 8 months ago
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May Trucking Rookie Pilot Training Program
I'm enjoying reading about your journey. I look forward to seeing how the rest of it goes.