Rock Hill , SC
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Experienced Driver
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Posted: 4 years, 6 months ago
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Game: stupid things you have done on the road
I was backing into a Costco and the top of my hand grazed the Jake brake lever to the 3 setting as I was turning the wheel to straighten up to the door. When I went to leave I released my brakes to pull forward to close my trailer doors but my trailer wheels weren’t rolling. I was so ****ed because I couldn’t figure out what was going on. Checked to see if I was hooked to the door underneath..nope.. double checked to see if I didn’t remove my wheel Chocks...nope. I got back in and started the truck and said “let’s give it another go” that’s when I looked down and saw the Jake lever down and just took a deep sigh and said “I’m a f*****g idiot and smiled and turned the Jake off and just like that I was able to move forward no problem
Posted: 1 year, 10 months ago
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Tornadoes...'Tis The Season
No no no!! Absolutely DO NOT take cover under an overpass. You can still be killed. Plus if you’re in an urban area your vehicle and others will be blocking the roadway/ interstate on and off ramps and put others in danger. If it’s still a distance away look for a business,home, school anyplace to take shelter. If that’s not possible the best thing to do is lay face down in a ditch on the side of the road.