Profile For Joaquin B.

Joaquin B.'s Info

  • Location:
    Houston, TX

  • Driving Status:
    Experienced Driver

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    4 years, 9 months ago

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Posted:  4 years, 9 months ago

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Could I still get hired if I have pending charges?

i have a paper from jail the day i got free explaining the case... that paper says i don't have no restriction is showing that the case is too small.. i understand people could think … i might have a temper but i don't .. we all have arguments with our wife or girls.. but some people sees that in a very bad way... which is not all the time.. because we are all different people.. hopefully i can find a job and go back to work...

The charge being assault it would lead someone to believe you have a temper. Whether that is accurate or not we do not know. They want to be confident that you're not going to end up on the news for running a car off the road because they cut you off or even go off the deep end at a customer for a delay and do something that makes them lose that customer. Simply put it shows poor judgement. If it really was just a simple arguement I feel for you.

Please keep us updated what happens. You could use this link to Apply For Truck Driving Jobs and hopefully someone will give you a shot but honestly I'd be surprised.

Posted:  4 years, 9 months ago

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Could I still get hired if I have pending charges?

yes I understand that my friend ... but i don't have NO restriction I don't have court till next year because the case is new and probably because of cov 19... so if any company invest money on me my friend... they will get that money back in less than a year and more than that... so you know is because they don't want to do it.. if i go to court next month.. my case is too small my friend.. second i didn't get any charge and I'm free without paying any money from my pocket my friend... so if i go court next month I'm going to have a dismissed case

Yeah nobody will risk you with charges pending. Hiring you costs them money and they wont risk their money without knowing the outcome. When in CDL school we had a guy sent home because he had pending charges. Granted his was a murder charge but same concept. Money.

Posted:  4 years, 9 months ago

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Could I still get hired if I have pending charges?

I feel like my wings were cut off. I have applied for 50+ jobs and they all want me to work with them but as soon as they see I have a pending case they say no. I have a lawyer, and the only thing he tells me is that they're waiting on the prosecutor and police for the evidence. I have 2 kids, no restrictions. I can work anywhere, but no one is willing to hire me.

Joaquin, that's a tough break. I believe your story, and have seen this kind of thing happen to others. I think it's highly unlikely that you can find employment as a driver until you get this resolved. The best course of action is hire a lawyer and see if they can help you expedite it through the system. Unfortunately, right now, the court system is way behind schedule.

Posted:  4 years, 9 months ago

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Could I still get hired if I have pending charges?

I reside in Texas. When the cop took me to the car he had to make a call to the county to ask whether to leave me home or take me and he was instructed to take me and get me processed. That day I was going to see a judge within a few hours because it's a simple case; however they found out I had worked outside of Texas that week so they immediately quarantined me. I had to wait in jail for a court date. When my court date finally came I was released the next day because of the simplicity of the case. I got a PR bond, but now that I am free no one will hire me because my case is pending, which is why I really need help.

I’m a bit skeptical here. I was in law enforcement 30 years. I do not know what state your in so this is a general comment.

Domestic violence is the charge. That said. An arguement is far different than one or the other having dome kind of marks on them. In most states LE has a duty to arrest no matter the victims request only when there is evidence who the primary aggressor was. An arguement and no evidence and an unwilling victim would not result in an arrest. Asking one to leave, yes but not an arrest.

That said. While you have any charges pending noone will hire you.

Posted:  4 years, 9 months ago

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Could I still get hired if I have pending charges?

No, I didn't take a load home. When that happened I was home on my 34 hour reset, the problem happened when I was home, not when I was working. I was off duty. An assault goes against werner's no violence policy.

Im am more concerned with the "failure to comply with company policy" that is on your DAC. What polocy? did u take a load home before the argument? did the load noy ge delivered? or was it the arrest?

THAT can harm you.

Posted:  4 years, 9 months ago

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Could I still get hired if I have pending charges?

No, we had an argument and she called the police to calm the situation but they took me and she doesn't want to press charges but the prosecutor said it wasn't up to her. Nothing really happened it was just an argument.

Did you rough up your wife?

Posted:  4 years, 9 months ago

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Could I still get hired if I have pending charges?

Good morning guys, I have a class A cdl and was working for Werner. Unfortunately my wife and I had an argument which ended up with me going to jail and now I have pending charges for simple assault which more than likely will get dismissed or lowered; however I have been unable to find a company that will hire me while my case is still pending. Werner let me go because I violated company policy with that incident. Do any of you guys know of any companies that will hire me given my situation? Thank you for your time, and have a great one.

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