Profile For Patrick P.

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Posted:  4 years, 6 months ago

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Thank you very much. We decided to go with prime. Thanks yall.

Prime does. Great training good pay.

Only CR England will allow you to train on the same truck. But they pay a lot less and are known for being a second chance company

Prime will soon be announcing a training option.... Instead of doing 50k miles of teaming with a trainer..... You now have the option of doing 30k miles with a trainer if you agree to go company team for at least four months (I have to check on that time frame but I'm pretty sure that is what it is). You would get full team pay starting at the same 30k mark. (Which could easily be $1500 to $2000 per week each driver instead of $700!!!!!!).

That is a good deal for a pair in your situation and teams just got a guarantee and pay bump.

Prime pays for transportation motel and food during orientation week. Then you are advanced $200 per week for food while OTR with a CDL instructor. You pay that back $25 a week once you get the CDL. Then come back and test out. At that point you go out with a team trainer and start getting paid $700 per week the first 40k miles then $800 the next 10k miles

You could ask about doing the school portion at the terminal to stay together longer but you will need to split up for team training.

Again... You could get a truck and start teaming together at 30k and get full team pay.

The schooling is free as long as you work there a year. There is a $100 admin fee to pay upfront. They will send you for a drug test and DOT physical.

CRST is team only company and there are others here that went through their program who can answer questions and explain.

Good luck

Posted:  4 years, 6 months ago

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Thank you very much for the info. It means and helps a lot.

Just fi ished 11th month at CRST My newest DM is a "senior" DM So far he has kept us running coast to coast 2000 to 2800 mile runs.

Next is less Calif. fed ex grd to Illinois fed ex grd......Liking he has us pre planned our next runs before we finish last load.....Plus he is 1 of 4 that also have "dedicated lanes" Which is next in my plans here......Sept 21st marks my 1 year here lol

Oh and they covered everything up front for training....dorm room 2 meals a day. Dmv fee's for permits n licenses.....$40 you pay back weekly for a short bit.....after done out with trainer Was bumped to 60 days now back to 30 since they have more freight than teams.....Also short on lead drivers for now

Posted:  4 years, 6 months ago

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Advice please.

A friend and I are looking into CDL-A sponsored training programs..

I'm looking for advice on what programs would be the best option given our situation.

The situation is that I'm 31 he is 26 years old. Neither of us have a cdl-a license nor a permit. We want to go to training together and train as a team.

Neither of us have very much money so we would like to find a program that provides transportation, Room and board and a meal or two. Best options?

I've looked at CRST and wondering if anyone could tell me their experience?

Thanks Guys and Girls.

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