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Company Driver In Training
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Recent CDL graduate. Currently driving Class A (5 ton dump truck with flatbed) in the public sector, and looking to land my first job in trucking.
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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I know this is an old post, and I also know that Swift is often times the subject of ridicule in the industry...that said, does anyone out here have any info on Swift's flatbed division about training, etc? Thanks.
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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Does anyone drive for Swift's Dollar Tree dedicated account?
Thanks for the reply, Papa. I am definitely re-evaluating this as a first solo position, and I appreciate your insight, as well as everyone else's.
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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Does anyone drive for Swift's Dollar Tree dedicated account?
The nice thing right now is that I still have a couple weeks to decide, as I'm still wrapping up at my current job.
The particular company I may go with (that many people bag on due to a reputation that has been said that they earned) is at the top of my list because they will let me train and drive on a 10-speed manual if I want. That's another topic altogether.
Again, I appreciate all the feedback, and I am reconsidering this even more than I was, LOL.
If I am set on this big company and getting into a 10-speed, there are other opportunities there, and like was said, if I REALLY want a Family Dollar account after I have proven myself, I probably would have no problem getting one.
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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Papa Pigs Zainy Rookie Solo Adventures
Thank you for documenting your experiences. I am considering taking on a route similar to this, and of all the research I have done, your accounts are by far the most detailed on what I can expect.
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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Does anyone drive for Swift's Dollar Tree dedicated account?
Wow, that man is a bad-a**. I know I should definitely re-evaluate--and I still may--but, I don't know...I think I may be up for the challenge. I've always gravitated to the tasks that others shy away from as having an ace in the hole, so to speak.
I do however take everyone's comments seriously, though, and I very much appreciate the feedback--and the diary.
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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Does anyone drive for Swift's Dollar Tree dedicated account?
Hi everyone,
This is my first post.
I am a new CDL school graduate. I am considering taking a Family Dollar account out of AZ for Swift. Reading all this has not convinced me that I shouldn't.
Funny thing is that I'm not a young man, but I've been doing labor all my life. The idea of a 100% sedentary driving job does not appeal to me. Neither does flatbedding, so this seems like it may be a good fit for me.
Posted: 4 years, 6 months ago
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System Transport
I know this is an old post, but I'd rather bump an old one than start a new one...
When I started truck driving school in January, System Transport was not hiring recent CDL grads. by the time I got my CDL in June (Covid), they changed it, and they now are. It's all about supply and demand.
That said, I have decided to go with them, and I plan on starting training at the end of this month. Funny thing is that I was going to go with Roehl, but they said I didn't qualify, and wouldn't say why not. I figured out that it may have been something as simple as the fact that I have a "Mc" last name, and the MVD in my state puts a space between the "c" and the rest of my name. System Transport called me and told me I had no MVD record, which is how I caught it. I think it's funny that Roehl sent me the email of shame, didn't give me a reason, and told me I can apply in 6 months.
Supply and demand.
System Transport claims they are "The Best Flatbed Trucking Company." It says so right on their website, LOL. That said, I'd be interested in hearing other folks' experience with System Transport, considering that "best" is a subjective term.