Fort Hood, TX
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Considering A Career
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Stationed in army at Fort Hood, Tx. Considering a driving career as a civilian.
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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Questions about name-changes, social security numbers and trucking employment
Scenario: one legally changes his name from "Joseph Robert Smith" to "James Thomas Brown" by a judge: Mr. Brown then gets a car driver license under his corrected name: Mr. Brown, at age 50, has had an issued social security number as Mr. Smith that is 123-45-6789 since age 18 but he never applies with the SSA to get a new card: Mr. Brown then goes to apply to be a truck driver with a company-sponsored training program, example Schneider or Hunt: he applies under "James Thomas Brown" but uses 123-45-6789 as his social issued as "Joseph Robert Smith"on his application
Will this hypothetically cause trouble with his employer? Is it true the IRS only cares about the SSN and not so much as any name associated with it? Is it really necessary for Mr. Brown to contact SSA for a card under his new legal name in order to get employment and/or a CDL? Your SSN still stays the same even if you change your name to Howard Hoaxer Humblepie.
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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Are there any ever restrictions on carrying cordless power tools on company trucks?
Amazing that truckers out here doing the job every day get called steering wheel holders by someone who doesn't have the guts to come out.
Even worse? He is terrified to try without a firearm. Just amazing.
And to clarify.... My modern day Lexus type of truck has a panic button on the dash that activates an outside alarm and also notifies prime and the police. Again... Rope thru the air horn pull and problem solved.
So... Cry baby girls like me have bigger balls than trolls.
Well, Kearsney, driving a rig through Tornado Alley during tornado season is probably more hairy than the notion that a bad hombre might bust into your rig and night and murder you or rape you while you sleep. As a soldier, I was put out in the field all alone at night to guard the perimeter out on maneuvers. I had my M16 but no bullets to shoot anything. Typical military "intelligence". It was dark and spooky in the woods on summer night. I could hear coyotes howling nearby. I thought I saw Bigfoot even!! It turned out to just be tall dark tree trunk moving in the breeze.
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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Are there any ever restrictions on carrying cordless power tools on company trucks?
That looks like Optimus Prime....there something you and the hubby are hiding from the rest of humanity? Like a 26 foot tall transforming robot trying to prevent earth from getting involved in an interstellar war involving other transforming alien species?
Kidding aside, it looks like a nice truck a true classic
If you have to worry about the very UN-likely event,,,, of someone breaking into the truck, ,,,,,,stick with whatever job you have ! lol Sissies don't last long.....
Bums ask me for money, I tell em, "Dude, I'm a truck driver, I got NO money/cash! " lol, 1 girl in Tolleson Az. @ Love's I was resetting at, she made the rounds begging (she didn't look homeless)
Hour later she had changed her shirt, and added a ball cap, and again made the rounds, guess she thought her looked fooled everyone hahaha, told her sorry, still the same I gots NO money!
Reno, you said "sissies"? Steering-wheel holding is for he-man types even in 2020? In this age of smartphones, Galaxy tablets and lattes at Starbucks Coffee? C'mon, man! It's rather odd since the modern mega fleet trucks don't look so rough and tumble like they did in the old days. They look like more like oversize Lexuses on 18 wheels! Giant geekmobiles. I'm just no athlete that I could go toe to toe with some young ********er onthe streets. I flunked karate badly. I got an Expert rifle badge in the army, however.
Pretty sure he meant 'sissies' of the spirit, not the stature. Rainy & Sue are gonna 'love' that one...haha~!!! Anyone can be a 'sissy' per se...even me, the female, who doesn't play karate either.. but I am not because I refuse to be. I'm about as fearless as it gets, especially for a female.
Not all 'real' truckers drive the Lexus type trucks, Moose. (Todd, TomCougar, whomever....) here's ours;
ps: Ask China't . . . or did he quit answering you? ;) I'm sure he'd recommend some companies since you aren't 'short' enough in the Army to apply on OUR site, eh?!??
Poo, or get off the LOO~!!! Man, really!
I just love the looks of that Pete in Moe's avatar. All dolled up like a French lady of the evening. Well, 45-90 grand a year is 45-90 grand a year whether it be holding the wheel in an American "classic" or a giant "Lexus". I didn't imply the new-model aero trucks were "nice" in the sense of "style". Ice-cold a/c could be had just as well in that sweet old-style Pete.
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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Are there any ever restrictions on carrying cordless power tools on company trucks?
If you have to worry about the very UN-likely event,,,, of someone breaking into the truck, ,,,,,,stick with whatever job you have ! lol Sissies don't last long.....
Bums ask me for money, I tell em, "Dude, I'm a truck driver, I got NO money/cash! " lol, 1 girl in Tolleson Az. @ Love's I was resetting at, she made the rounds begging (she didn't look homeless)
Hour later she had changed her shirt, and added a ball cap, and again made the rounds, guess she thought her looked fooled everyone hahaha, told her sorry, still the same I gots NO money!
Reno, you said "sissies"? Steering-wheel holding is still for he-man types even in 2020? In this age of smartphones, Galaxy tablets and lattes at Starbucks Coffee? C'mon, man! It's rather odd since the modern mega fleet trucks don't look so rough and tumble like they did in the old days. They look like more like oversize Lexuses on 18 wheels! Giant geekmobiles. I'm just no athlete that I could go toe to toe with some young ********er onthe streets. I flunked karate badly. I got an Expert rifle badge in the army, however.
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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Are there any ever restrictions on carrying cordless power tools on company trucks?
Just put up a " warning driver sleeps fully nude" sign
Does an "operator carries no cash" sign on the door work as a bad guy deterrent? It seems like the sole motive for the bad guy to even bust inside a truck is to take some money from the driver. I use plastic mostly. I don't think drivers ever have to worry about being raped inside their trucks. They are not known to have that young-and-slim glamorous Hollywood celebrity look. Same goes for me: I'm no smooth handsome looker of a young stud myself. I don't have that Val Kilmer "Iceman" from Top Gun charm. Speaking of which, "Do you happen to know that number to that truck driving school I saw on the wall?" If I did have that charm, I'd certainly go to Hollywood to find my fortune, not email firms like "Big Orange".
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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Are there any ever restrictions on carrying cordless power tools on company trucks?
I haven’t read your other post about safety but it’s now on my list of things to do. Should be entertaining.
I’m just curious, you say you’re concerned about the mess a can of wasp spray will make, but, your post talks about a chainsaw to take off limbs or someone’s head. Aren’t you a bit concerned at all about the mess of cleaning up severed limbs and the resultant blood spatter?
If you’re that worried, run a ratchet strap between the door handles at night, no one is getting in past that. But, as others have said. There are many, many, many more things to concern yourself about than having some random person enter your truck while you’re sleeping.
Well, if by some 1 in 1 million chance I ever get to drive a truck for a living, I will definitely make it a bedtime habit have the doors rigged up to the horn like Truckin Along With Kearsey suggested. I watched a good portion of her YouTube video and there are many good pointers there. Arming myself with a toothbrush? Against a bad guy with a knife or a gun? Might help as a weapon working against tooth decay. Next to the rope or ratchet strap trick, I might just have some pepper spray handy too. No, I wouldn't really be too worried about a blood mess if I had to defend my life or limb. I'm a soldier after all. The insect spray is a chemical hazard though unless the splattered blood is infected with HIV then it's a biohazard. Ok, doors secured to the horn (because the bean-counters at Big Orange won't invest money to install something like OnStar), pepper spray, beware of surroundings, consult with company managers for safer alternate routes and safer overnight parking places, TruckPark on Samsung Galaxy tablet??, calling the customer to find a safer way to make a delivery, I think I got this big-rig driver personal security education down pat now! I get all this security freak stuff in my noggin from having been in the military.
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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Are there any ever restrictions on carrying cordless power tools on company trucks?
Moe, I should be OK if I were to tie a rope to the horn like the lady above suggested. Call the authorities in an immediate dangerous situation. Good luck with that. Maybe send smoke signals if no phone connection can be made. Hopefully a mega like "Big Orange" would not dispatch their drivers to some craphole anyway. I think drivers in the small mom-and-pops get sent to the craphole locations most often, maybe??? I could be wrong.
My idea of a craphole in terms of being crime-ridden is: Detroit, Chicago, LaLaLand, Atlanta, Cleveland, DC, New York City and New Jersey. President Trump did not speak too highly of Baltimore.
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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Are there any ever restrictions on carrying cordless power tools on company trucks?
Just for fun I contacted [one unnamed mega] and asked them this just to test the waters of this game:
"Hello! I'm considering a new career as a truck driver. I was curious to know how as to well your company is committed to the personal security of its employees. I've heard of several horrible accounts of drivers who have had to park in places they feel insecure and about how the criminal elements have broken into their cabs as they sleep and violently attacked them. How well does Your company protect its drivers against possible violent criminal encounters over the road and how does your company help keep its drivers safe from the actions of violent thugs? What modern technology, policies, procedures, techniques and equipment does your company utilize to protect drivers from bad people all across America as they work and sleep over the road? A truck, I gather, brings a driver often to unfamiliar and hostile places far away from home and is reputed to offer limited protection from criminal intrusion or attack as compared with an office building or even a motel room for lodging."
Their reply to me:
"Hello Moose,
Thank you for your interest in _______'s driving opportunities. Safety is our number one core value. Because of this the safety of all our associates is at the forefront of every decision we make. All drivers are issued a Samsung Galaxy tablet during orientation. One major feature of the tablet is turn by turn GPS navigation with information built into the system that’s important to drivers. This includes gas stations to fill up at and truck/rest stops that are safe locations for drivers to end their day at. The tablets also have access to an app called TruckPark. On there you can see reviews drivers have for those park locations. If a driver feels they are unsafe with where they are parked for the night we ask that they leave the area and then immediately contact their manager for assistance in finding somewhere they would feel more comfortable being for the night. In situations where a driver feels they are routed to drive through an area they feel uncomfortable with we would again ask that they contact their manager to come up with an alternate route. If a driver ever feels unsafe near a delivery site the would have their the customers contact information. In those situations we encourage the driver to contact the customer and work with them to get them onto the property and into the delivery area safely. If an immediate danger were ever to be encountered we ask that our drivers contact the local authorities for assistance with the situation.
Please call us at 1-800-___-____ or text “Chat” to _______ if you have any other questions and we would be happy to assist."
LMAO. "Please hold it, Mr. Burglar!! [as he is prying my door open] I have to call the police right now so they can save me from you!!" Is there any guarantee a driver will even always have a cell connection at his/her parked location? How long would it even take the cops to show up?
I purposely mentioned nothing about firearms. I did not hear any reply from this particular mega that their trucks were equipped with advanced 21st century security systems (like the OnStar system that is in some expensive cars) to automatically summon police in the event of any break-in attempt. Hint: this mega has orange trucks with black lettering!!
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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Are there any ever restrictions on carrying cordless power tools on company trucks?
Check out my video on various weapons..
You keep being worried about being asleep while someone enters your cab. Run a rope through both door handles and up to the air horn pull. Before they even get the door open you and the rest of the truck stop will be alerted
I have been driving 5 years and never needed a gun. I am a woman and I feel safe... Now if you think your constant questions would antagonize people to the point they want to kill you.. I understand.
Lol. Sorry. Had to
Most violent crimes tend to happen against sleeping drivers that is why they get the most thought from me. That is when bad guys know they are most vulnerable. Does every tractor have an air horn pull control? I will have to read over your link you posted.
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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Questions about name-changes, social security numbers and trucking employment
It can take SS up to six weeks to change a name on a SS card once the application is submitted, I read. I don't know if a driver would actually get fired by a mega for having an SSN and name that don't match. They would probably just be told to correct this with SS ASAP. It's probably just a good idea to get the name-change done at SSA before applying for a job. This way if there is anything negative connected with your former name (negative work history, conviction, bad credit, etc.) , SSA won't inform your employer that your SSN given matches your former name which they might provide to the employer also.