Nashville, TN
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Brandon B. On The Web
I'm not a driver. I'm a certified personal trainer, and owner of Open Road Fitness - an online fitness coaching service for truck drivers. We offer personalized fitness programs, coaching, and a free blog with tips on weight loss and nutrition. Our mission is to make good health accessible to the men and women of the truck driving industry by providing practical education and guidance to create sustainable habits for the long term. Visit us at openroadfit.com, and message me any time if you ever have fitness or weight loss related questions!
Posted: 4 years, 5 months ago
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Try cutting out the empty calories first - sodas, sauces, and sweets.
1. The average American drinks 45 gallons of soda per year. This amounts to about 78,000 calories. 2. Sauces like mayonnaise, ranch dressing, and honey mustard are high in fat. Ketchup and barbecue sauce are high in sugar. 3. Giving up sodas might make you crave sweets more, so watch out! If you have to indulge once in a while, find something with a low sugar content (around 10 grams per serving)
Hope this helps. Stay safe, drivers!
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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Hey Steve, what you're feeling is the result of something called "glute inhibition." Basically, the constant pressure from sitting is causing your muscles to weaken and not work properly. It's fairly easy to fix with exercise, but it can lead to back pain if you leave it alone. The exercises are easy to do, and easy to remember. Just google "Glute Activation Exercises"
- Brandon
Posted: 4 years, 5 months ago
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Staying healthy I’m a go guy
I posted part of this on another thread, but here's a few pointers:
First, try cutting out the empty calories first - sodas, sauces, and sweets.
1. The average American drinks 45 gallons of soda per year. This amounts to about 78,000 calories.
2. Sauces like mayonnaise, ranch dressing, and honey mustard are high in fat. Ketchup and barbecue sauce are high in sugar.
3. Giving up sodas might make you crave sweets more, so watch out! If you have to indulge once in a while, find something with a low sugar content (around 10 grams per serving)
Second, try to get in twenty minutes of physical activity daily. If you can't do twenty, then do what you can. Just as long as you do something to reinforce a daily habit. This could be walking, stretching, or lifting weight. On that note, look into resistance bands, sand bags, and medicine balls for portable exercise equipment.
Hope this helps. Stay safe, driver!