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Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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Central Oregon Trucking Hair Drug Test
Thanks! I’ve actually had my CDL for years and I’ve always had a clean DAC report. I’m looking forward to doing flatbed and I don’t want any issues or problems on my report. I’ve researched COTC thoroughly and they seem to be one of the better ones. Don’t want anything to screw it up. I’ll bring my prescription with me, but I would feel much better if I knew for sure what test to expect. Not worried about a urine test as it’s been over 30 days since my dental procedure and Vicodin consumption.
Pretty sure that if you're not still taking it at the 'soon' when you start schooling, and BRING the empty or paper copy of Rx so they can log it on your paperwork, that it WAS legal, and for a short time/ one time surgery, you'll be fine. You didn't yet have your CDL upon consumption of a prescription.
More experienced hands will chime in; welcome to Trucking Truth, btw~!
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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Central Oregon Trucking Hair Drug Test
I recently had a dental procedure where the pain was so bad they had to prescribe Vicodin. I’m starting soon at COTC (Central Oregon Trucking) and I’m concerned about the possibility of a hair follicle drug test. Does anyone know if they do a hair test? Thanks in advance!
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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Central Oregon Trucking Hair Drug Test
Thank you all for your help. Lots of great advice. I did some research and since I only took it for a couple of day’s it most likely won’t even show up. I’ll make sure to bring my prescription just in case. The company I’m with now was understanding and gave me time off for the day’s I took it. I think I’m just being paranoid. Perfectly normal to have dental procedures and take medications. Thanks again for your help!