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Posted:  4 years, 5 months ago

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Cooler recommendations? (Best way to keep salad ingredients cold)

Thanks, I looked that hot lunchbox up and think I got a decent one. It claims to heat up to 300 degrees which I'd imagine can really be useful. If it bakes a potato I'll be grinning from ear to ear. But for under 200$ for the cooler and hot lunchbox I feel like I'm gonna be styling. These recommendations will seriously improve my quality of life and help with saving money, thanks!

Posted:  4 years, 6 months ago

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Cooler recommendations? (Best way to keep salad ingredients cold)

The "iceless cooler" seems exactly what I was wanting without knowing it. I'm grateful for the recomendation, very helpful. 40 quart seems to be a perfect size and I see walmart does have that coleman one for $108 calling my name. And I actually usually mix craisins and raisins together to cut the costs cause craisins alone are kinda expensive and raisins are good too. And the quinoa seriously makes your stomach tell your brain that "I'm satisfied (full)" more than anything else I've added to salads. It's one of those things I buy up when it's on sale cause the shelf life is probably as good as rice. And I'm definitely going to have to try the veggie/tofurkey sausages, it sounds like a winner. Also gonna add yogurt to my list of truck friendly things. Thanks!

Posted:  4 years, 6 months ago

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Would you drive for Melton?

I do know they have the nicer staplers there ;)

Posted:  4 years, 6 months ago

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Cooler recommendations? (Best way to keep salad ingredients cold)


I like to eat healthy. I realize this even more so not having access to a fridge for many days at a time. I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations to keep veggies or other things cool. I'm assuming it will lead to cooler recommendations. But hope there's something I haven't thought of yet. Right now, all I have access to is space for a cooler and multiple cigg outlets. My thinking is if I can have a cooler full of salad ingredients for a week and fill it with ice every other day or so I wouldn't complain (truck stops carry ice, right?). But would that be better than buying salad (or whatever healthy thing) from a truck stop that's already prepared? Normally I'm into making salads kind of ridiculous with even quinoa and craisins but some truck stop salads look really good to me, even having meat or eggs in them but it's like $5+. Anyways, I appreciate any future input or even any healthy food input. If I can help others in the future reading this, I have stocked up hardcore on aldi 70 cent tuna so far.

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