Lima, OH
Driving Status:
In CDL School
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Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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Better Schools If Price and Length No Issue
Check out Nussbaum trucking out. Just talked to them and they gave me pre hire letter. On your list, i choose prime over TMC due to issues that I heard from their drivers.
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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Truck Broke Down - After Treatment Problems
well... 300,000 miles.... might want get technician visually inspect DPF and other exhaust filters to make sure it's not plugged with ash. If it is, have them replace it and your good for another 300k miles. my professor told me that dpf filter is very common to get replace or taken out of truck to send to another shop to clean it by injecting high pressure air ( I forgot how many psi.. I think 5000psi) to break the ash that get overtime build up and block flow of exhaust which trigger error readings on dash like check engine light. Also, regen will not burn ash inside the DPF filter.
The Freightliner technician told me that the computers involved with the after treatment system needed to calibrate between the new sensor and the existing system parts and pieces.
"This may take awhile" is what he said. On that, he was definitely correct.
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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I'm thinking about tanker division that haul liquid food or water but no hazmat stuff (unless i have to ). but I'm researching more about other division like reefer that Nussbaum or prime have.
Been talking to Nussbaum company... guaranteed minimum weekly pay is 1150$ gross. and Does your company offer similar?
Not sure what kind of frieght you want to haul but I think Swift, Western Express are great for multiple freight types, Swift especially because they have like reefer, van, and flatbed and I am not sure if they have tanker. Melton Truck Lines as far as orientation and training goes is my personal preference. They have now increased the amount of time you spend here before going out with a trainer from 3 to 5 days to two weeks and everyday you are working in securing loads, safety, some paperwork and listening and asking questions. This company does a lot for their drivers too. Not going to say that the others are not good just I personally think Melton to be a better choice. They also do a crude ton of different loads to secure and their backing set up is neat for when your practicing in their yard. Their coupling practice is good. They are patient and will go over things quite a lot.
I know Western and Melton have increased driver pay. I got a text about that from Western. With my 10 months of experience I should be making around .53cpm and I have my TWIC card, so thats extra pay. The tarp pay is now $100 per tarping.
Now this is from my personal research and from what the representatives were telling us. They also love to here back from their drivers about their stay at Melton. Now I think Swift does something similar. I have been gone from both Swift and Western for a good minute so some things may have changed.
May God bless your journey!
I just left my old job and now currently at UNOH to get diesel mechanic degree. What are good long haul trucking companies that I can apply to? I want to become a trucker like my grandpa been doing for years but company that he worked for is no longer in business. 1. Prime Inc. nice size company but slow trucks 2. Nussbaum. very good family faith business (my friend now working for this one) 3. Stevens Transport 4. Marten 5. H.O Wolding 6. Veriha (hate yellow paint color) 7. Millis
Is there any other companies that I need put on the list? also, anything you want to say about these companies and how they train. Big part is pay.
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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List on each of state CDL renewal
I just can't find online that shows list of CDL renewals in each of states. I know Michigan is 4 years. but what about other states?
I diligently looked, as well !! This FMCSA site is SUPPOSED to have an interactive map, per state .. but I can't get it to work; you can try:
Also, since you are in Lima (Ohio) .. what does it matter? We do 5 years here!!!
~ Anne ~
ps: You have so many threads going on, man.... have you begun to apply for school or a company paid CDLA course? What's your goal(s?) Thanks!
My school offer CDL training course (12 weeks) and I sent college msg to put me in cdl asap
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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I'm lost on the original posting too lol....Why commit to schooling as a diesel tech, then change gears to trucking? All I know, is you will probably make a LOT more money per week, driving than wrenching by my nearly 45 years bending wrenches. From Diesels to automotive, and anything else with an engine lol....Unless you opened your OWN diesel repair shop later on, THEN you could make them Big Dolla's lol
Worked at Ford Dealer, and a Chrysler/Dodge dealer, same thing, they made all the $$$.....So in essence my thoughts are trucking, IF you can do it well, and learn and stick to it, you for sure, will make a LOT more $$ driving a truck per week !! buying TOOLS ain't cheap either ! especially for BIG trucks !
I made gross $36k my first FULL year, "learning" at a lower starting CPM than year 2, and now. 60 CPM + chance to make an additional .04 cents a mile for fuel mileage/safety/productivity..... Anyways Robert, the short of it is, 2.5 years later I am making more than I ever did or would as a mechanic no matter how good I am at it... In California too BTW... So, at this new company, I am taking home anywhere from $1,200-$1,500 or as less as $900 on a short load week.... Never took home $800 a week busting nuts n bending wrenches any place LOL.....I just got my 30 day seated/signing bonus's $1000 & $500 tax free so was a nice payday....
valid point. I promised my parents to get associate degree and they are happy about it since they been riding my case year after year to get at least a certificate in something that is useful.
what do you think about getting ase certified on airbrakes? at least I don't have to wait for mechanic to show up which might take 1-3 hours depending on where you at.
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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List on each of state CDL renewal
I just can't find online that shows list of CDL renewals in each of states. I know Michigan is 4 years. but what about other states?
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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I've never worked for a company that treated me like family. They've said it and the owner knew my name, but they I wasn't family. I was working 50-60 hours a week over nights to make 35k. The others cousin and brother in law were making 6 figures working from 6 AM to 2 PM. I must've been a distant relative. Sure they helped me out a jam here and there, but not like they did actual family.
At FedEx, I'm just a number. My medical is better, my retirement plan is better and my income more than doubled.
I'll be a number all day long.
Well, Banks . . . You've never worked for Olive Garden, then !!! (I have!)
To the O/P .... when you apprise us of your intentions, I've got a few Ohio companies you could look into, for obtaining your CDL and training with, should you have 'no liking' to applying for company paid training, on here.
Stop back!
~ Anne ~
ps: Stevo Reno went from being ASE CDM to a CDLA driver.. maybe I can get HIM to chime in ?? SO not sure of your intentions, is all! Your cart and horse are confusing, and I DO live in Amish Country, hahaha!
would be nice to what reno says...
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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Prime Inc. Prime is growing. Student training pay- $900/week. They have weekly safety meeting- Fridays 8am CT On Facebook on Prime Inc Facebook website. Excellent info.
I have heard a lot good things about this company. how they treat drivers? (like number or in family). I know they have a lot of options for trucker to do at their terminals like food, showers, or haircut. Do they keep you busy a all times or you have to wait to get next job from travel agent? Do they force you drive through snow storm or they let you drive around it?
My friend currently working at Nussbaum and told me that if there's hazard like snow storm or severe storm, drive around it. If not, park it and let storm pass through. Their pay is very good. this company is employee owned not employer.
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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Robert I find your post to be a bit confusing...
You state that you are in the process of getting a degree as a diesel mechanic, then a few sentences later state you want to become a truck driver.
Which is it? Where is your commitment?
That said; although you’ve been a member for quite a while have you ever read Becoming A Truck Driver: The Raw Truth About Truck Driving? And reviewed the Truck Driver's Career Guide?
Once you have read or refreshed your knowledge base the best place for you to start is taking a look at Paid CDL Training Programs.
And BTW; the maximum speed of a company truck is not a good criteria for selecting an employer. 62-67? Not going to affect your pay one bit.
Good luck.
ah.. thanks for asking me to reword it. I'm in school to get mechanic degree as the 2nd job in case what ever happen to trucking industry. At least I can work at same place as mechanic if they replace all truckers with robot (I doubt it). My goal is to become a trucker and not be classified as steering wheel holder.
my plan is to get ase on airbrakes and hvac.
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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Better Schools If Price and Length No Issue
I'm still in school and.... Just mentioned that got Pre Hire Letter.... from Nussbaum. They gona pick my school bill. Soon i graduate (next year) and ill work for them. Not sure how long the contract last. My CDL at UNOH starts sometime August time frame. Right now.... I'm working for farmer to haul his grain to train station to load up train. fun job.