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Rookie student driver @ Prime

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Posted:  4 years, 3 months ago

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Wait is over Finally at Prime PSD training


I am a very laid back guy.


I was raised to respect my elders


As far as trucking goes Kearsey is definitely your elder. You've done little to show her any respect. All she has tried to do is help you.

I don't know how you define laid back. You certainly haven't demonstrated it well though.

I'm just going to give you my own observation. I've watched hundreds of trainees sort of go under a spell from their trainers. That is the person teaching them about the industry. You take them as an expert. Just because they are a trainer means very little as far as helping you actually make it in this career. That part will be on you. One of the biggest factors to success at this is the way you conduct your relationships with others. I'd bet a hundred dollars your trainer has not stressed that to you. If they have I'm very proud of them, but you are making it fairly clear that you don't get it.

Old School, My reference to respect your elders was the fact I have kids Kearseys age. She acts like her opinion is the only one out there. I made a simple statement about quality service of a vendor. Not only have I given this kind of service over the years, I have received it from several vendors. For some reason she seems to think I am 21 and left home for my first time, no I am 61 and on my second career. I have deep respect for her contributions to the industry. I have read or watched her videos and agree with most of her material. I actually listed her as a referral when I joined Prime. I just think I should be able to state a common opinion with out receiving an analysis of how that may effect my efforts, while been compared to some 21 year old kid that has never really been out in the world. I don't consider that help. By the way I get along with my trainer great, he is a wonderful inspiration and a very talented trainer. I have no problem getting along with folks that can have a normal conversation with out thinking they always have to be right and it seems thats the situation. For those reasons I am out.

Posted:  4 years, 3 months ago

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Wait is over Finally at Prime PSD training

Wow. You have it all figured out, so why would anyone try to interact with you on here anyway? To get blasted by your responses when they offer you any help?

I'm sure most will just "pass on by" you. Good luck with your preconceived expectations.

Mr Packrat, That is just the thing. I have never said I have anything figured out. I just thought I could make a simple comment about receiving what i thought was subpar service from a vendor. Then I receive a comment with a complete evaluation about what may happen in my career because somebody else that was worried about fuel mileage ended up quitting. I am not sure what one thing has to do with the other. I have read pages and pages of your entries with great interest and respect for your knowledge and occasionally made a comment or asked a simple question. That is really all I was expecting. Something like, oh I hate to hear they were not on the ball. Wow it took 3 repairs to get the problem cured. The whole thing was a little blip in my journey. I am in tnt training and working hard at being the best I can be. Thank you sir and as always I do enjoy reading your experiences.

Posted:  4 years, 3 months ago

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Wait is over Finally at Prime PSD training

Papa... Of course I want you to succeed. But two of the biggest reasons people fail out here is unrealistic expectations and not focusing on the right things during training. Now that you pointed out that you are a mechanic I can understand why you focused on such issues. But those are not things students usually focus on.

And what I said about the APU is absolutely true. As well as the reefer being shut off in wash bays. I have had multiple trucks including FL and internationals and it is standard protocol to turn off the unit. Especially if it is going to sit in the shop for days. It eats up fuel. Do you know what happens when the shops leave them on? The lease ops yell that they have to pay for the burned up fuel. That is one of those situations where no one is happy. You and your trainer say it is bad customer service and another lease Op will say it is bad service to cost them fuel money.

As for people we have seen fail in the past... One comes to mind. He was so focused on learning leasing and where to fuel, how to put the stick in neutral to fly down the hills to "conserve" fuel. How to not fuel the reefers to save money and many other things not necessary in training.

He never focused on the important stuff. his very first day solo he had an accident. By his 30 days solo he had his 3rd accident

When prime offered to put him back in training he flipped out that he was suing and it was all his trainer's fault.

When you gave the "shop needs to do this" attitude, it seriously came across as someone who thinks he knows everything about trucking and is going to revolutionize the trucking industry. When people post like that, they usually fail in 6 months

This is a career where even after 20 years you will still learn every day. Your post sounded very aggressive when I read it. And I apologize if I sounded equally so.

I will get right to the point, I am a very laid back guy. I was ****ed at your response, but I am not aggressive about it. I do not need your assurance to succeed. I am doing fine in my training, I passed my cdl on my first try. I don't need you to come along and supposedly compare me commenting on poor customer service at Freightliner, to previous drivers that have failed at Prime. I never once have said I know frankly anything about the trucking industry other than what I have been fortunate to learn at Prime. I learn every day and am sure I will stub my toe on occasion like all new drivers. You seem to be more impressed with showers and waiting rooms. I on the other hand expect quality service , just like anyone that takes a vehicle to a dealership for repair. I expect when I have a set appt that a tech is ready and waiting to complete my repairs on schedule. I expect the dealership to call me and keep me aware of the repair, not have to keep calling them. I expect a repair to be completed correctly the first time. From my brief time at Prime I know Mr. Lowe expects the same. If you are satisfied with subpar service fine but you don't need to jump in and berate me and my opinion. I was raised to respect my elders and I assume others are as well. In the future if you want to jump in and make a positive comment fine but otherwise pass on by.

Posted:  4 years, 3 months ago

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Wait is over Finally at Prime PSD training


After your comments about our conversation of Springfield Freightliner service department I have not been posting. I thought this site was one where you could have a friendly conversation. You made it sound like myself and my trainer are total fricking idiots with no knowledge of what quality service should be. I am a certified mechanic and service manager of close to 40 years. I know a little bit about quality customer service. My trainer is on his 9th Cascadia. We both were disappointed in the comments and not sure if I will be involved with this channel or not.



How ya doin?




Good LORD, COOBDA . . . some of us that were (and are!) cheerleaders, still wanna hear. I've also heard, that one NEEDS thicker skin in trucking. Hell, I've got VERY thick skin.. as the wife of one. I could write a BOOK... and NOT just a Novella. I don't HAVE the skills of Rainy, Rick, and Old School...lest I would. I just 'yammer' on here.

Just went to a ZOOM funeral for my brother, in NY yesterday. . . another topic for another thread (well, in the December b'day thread it is...) and can't believe . . . how people come across so 'brash' anymore, but ... it is. Life. 2020. As. We. Know. It.

Me, The LONE cheerleader.. still folliowing, with due diligence. PLEASE hang in, Buck. I'm thinking back *hell idunno* years when my husband person was in your shoes, almost literally. The 'edge' that he lived on was sharper than his 'Dijon' (sp?) knife... yet, he didn't quit talking to me... but almost.

Please rethink. People with 'more' experience sometimes don't getcha... see, I have zero, and I DO getcha. Our jokes were fun. Wish I had one for you tonight; can try....stand by:

Tip for winter driving:


Again, Buck . . . some of the .. I mean THE best advice .. can and IS found here. You're in a 'rough spot' and I GET IT .. as the person on the 'receiving end.' Compare it to Football. The Browns LOST.. by a damn field goal. Had 'our' kicker not missed earlier in the game... WELL, you see? Relative and Correlative.

Yes, I'm a football female; go figure. Contact info in my profi, good sir. I'm still here, COOBDA, (the kubota!)

Carry on, safely . . . talk soon then?

~ Anne ~

Anne, After some thought and your kind words I realized I would only be hurting myself and the nice folks that do support me by dropping out of site. The sad part is the know it all’s of the world could care less, because they always think they are right no matter what.

Posted:  4 years, 3 months ago

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Wait is over Finally at Prime PSD training

After your comments about our conversation of Springfield Freightliner service department I have not been posting. I thought this site was one where you could have a friendly conversation. You made it sound like myself and my trainer are total fricking idiots with no knowledge of what quality service should be. I am a certified mechanic and service manager of close to 40 years. I know a little bit about quality customer service. My trainer is on his 9th Cascadia. We both were disappointed in the comments and not sure if I will be involved with this channel or not.

How ya doin?

Posted:  4 years, 3 months ago

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Wait is over Finally at Prime PSD training

I guess I am going to agree to disagree. We are driving $150k trucks, there shop rate is $155 an hour, the top techs are going to be making in the $30 range. When they reseal a windshield for the 3rd time and back it outside they need to turn the apu back on. That is just plain incompetent. My trainer has been driver/ trainer since 2009 and he said he has never had to do anything with the fridge items. If Prime bought the dealership they need to inject some Prime can do attitude into that bunch. After they look at the money paid to the driver for breakdown pay I think things will improve at the dealership level. I am glad to hear IH is treating there customers well, maybe I just need to bleach my hair blonde lol. Cheers and happy trails

Well... It sounds more like your trainer's first time in the shop. Standard Operating Procedure at dealers is to turn off the APU due to fumes in the shop. Even some truck washes will have me turn off the reefer and APU because of this. Yes, I have transported my fridge food to my hotel room while waiting on repairs.

The FL dealer on Division St (and there are 2) has a 24/7 repair center with showers and free laundry facilities. They also have an express diagnostics pane for added service. This is far better than most dealers.

Before covid we were getting almost double the amount of trucks. And rumor has it... Prime owns one of those dealers so we are getting a HUGE discount at ridiculously low prices

The International dealer not only puts my truck in the shop right away but will take the parts off brand new trucks in their sales lot rather than make me wait. Still, repairs can take a long time to diagnose with all of our electronic safety features. Volvo is having problems with Primes requirements and their wiring.

Posted:  4 years, 4 months ago

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Wait is over Finally at Prime PSD training

Part 12 One thing that got me interested in trucking is trip planning. I have always been a planner. After all my zodiac sign is Libra, you know the scales, compare both sides. I always like to plan and some times it works the way I planned it. Lol. I am already thinking about my TNT planning. I know some know how Prime structures there tnt. 50k miles, guaranteed $700 a week through 40k and $800 a week for the last 10k. Recently they threw another option in the choices. After you reach 30k miles you have the option of being paired with another like driver from tnt with the same miles. The stickler is if you go this route you have to commit to teaming for 120 days or 4 months. The first big positive I see is instead of making the guaranteed $700, or $800 a week you will instead make the regular team pay. One of Kerseys example post was a team running 5000 miles a week would split about $3300, so $1650 a week. I asked orientation about this and asked them how they matched you up with the other driver. They said a similar process of matching a student and a trainer, I asked what happens if there is a clash? They said your fleet manager would work it out. The money would be the biggest thing for me, while I have been off playing truck driver the love of my life has been home pinching pennies you know. My end goal is to have a condo so mamma can go with me now and then and I may take a look at PSD trading. If I just stay the course until solo I am looking at another month or so if the guaranteed amounts. Please anyone share your thoughts of and pro or cons please. Thanks

Posted:  4 years, 4 months ago

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Wait is over Finally at Prime PSD training

That is hilarious!!!!! Maybe they could team up with the boys from Uranus. I mean what’s the worst that could happen? Lol


Actually Anne you are the trucking truth cheerleader. I for one really appreciate your sweetness and caring. I was trying to just be factual in my accounts but if you want some humor, my trainer and I laugh every time we go past Uranas Fudge. Per there commercials they can pack fudge like no one else. Cracks me up.


P'Buck . . . we are ALL about the humor .. that just ripped me and the hubby a gut, haha!! If HUMOR gets you through, it, and into it .... et al, by ALL MEANS~! I'm so happy for you that you HAVE a trainer that shares the jollies!

Yessir, I am . . .the 'self appointed' site cheerleader, haha. Some love it, some hate it. I've still got 'remnants' of a CDL to hold my title, LoL!! Thanks!!

...>>> another thing Moe liked about me; still trying to get HIM back into populous.

Funny jokes/ads ... omg....

We have a REAL good one up in my parts..the filter will probably destroy it. . . but . . . let's see, for S's and G's ..~! Humor in trucking, learning, etc.. we couldn't have got MY man behind the wheel while I was home w/the kids.

Listen at your own discretion, haha!! Times like 'this' ..wish my man's name WASN'T Tom, haha!!

Apple Cider Song. . .

Posted:  4 years, 4 months ago

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Wait is over Finally at Prime PSD training

Part 12 Finally got the trainers truck back after the third time to get the windshield sealed so it didn’t leak. Plus they were inept enough to shut off the apu so we had to throw out everything in the fridge and freezer. Like it was their first time working on an Otr Prime truck.If anybody else has any horror repair stories about Springfield Freightliner I will add mine. In my previous life I was a service manager at construction equipment dealers. Let’s face it the customer that bought 20 units from your dealership gets more prompt attention than a guy that brings in a unit that he bought somewhere else. The last video a seen on Prime where they were touring a 2021 Cascadia he made the comment Prime was kind enough to be getting 150 units a month. Maybe it’s just me but when a Prime driver comes in the to the shop with a problem they should be dancing a jig. Nope not even close. I will expound if some else has similar stories.

On to the good part, my first TNT load. Bass Pro Shops in Springfield going to southern Cali. We pick it up, go to Prime plaza for trailer inspection and fuel up. My trainer says slide over your driving and I am going to sleep. I guess he trusts me. He gave me a few tips like 44 West to OKC, then to 40 west on to Amarillo. Go to first recommended fuel stop at the Petro and wake me up. He also said after about 4 hours take your 30 minute break. It was so cool to come back from my break and see that extra 3 hours pop on the clock. I’m learning cool stuff.We left Springfield about 1300, made it to the fuel stop with just one minor issue. I had taken my break near Tulsa, that was fine. I needed a quick bathroom break north of Amarillo and so a Loves come up, got off the exit. My trainer always said look at how the trucks are parked in the fuel lane so you can tell how to go in and back out. There was one truck fueling so I followed his lead. Once I pulled in and arrows on the pavement showed the opposite direction I thought oh boy. Well I am going pee then can access the situation. Came back out. There was room to go out behind the building. This was a tiny Loves with no real parking spaces for trucks. I get back to the truck and my trainer had woke up and was looking out of the sleeper. He was like what’s up Buck. I told him I had followed the other dumb ass into the fuel isle. So he just smiles and says so what are you going to do? I said well I am not going to try and back my way out, I will just go around the back. He said ok. So I did , only problem when I came out on the street and turned there was not enough room so I ran over the end of the center divider. No harm no fowl. He had not bit on my like I was expecting, after a got straight and headed to the on ramp I glanced over my shoulder and he smiled an said, ya I got stuck in this Loves one time myself and he laid back down.! so on to the fuel stop, trainer jumps out and says go grab something to eat if you want it. So I did, this will be the maiden voyage of sleeping in a moving truck, bottom bunk. I get back he had fueled, I jumped in ate my fish sam***** and got things on the bottom bunk. He came back and we were off. First 30 minutes I am thinking oh my gosh things are banging, rattling I am getting thrown around at every bump. Ok I am beat at this point and I start to panic a little thinking what if I can’t sleep. Well the next thing I know I wake up and it 4 hours later. I go back to sleep and then I hear my trainer on the phone with a buddy and I had slept another 4 hours. I guess I will get used to it. Wake up this morning, quick bathroom break, we are now 50 miles from Flagstaff. We stop at this rest area. There are lots of big rocks around so it kind of looks like Fred Flinstones rock quarry. We stop for a breakfast burrito and I take over about 10 am. We have an easy 380 miles on my shift to Barstow. Get here about 1700 get a Tommy’s Hambburger, my first. Was good. Kick back showers in the morning, 70 miles to our drop with a 1100 appt.! We even have a scheduled pickup tomorrow at 1700 near the drop with a load going to Nebraska. Rolling, rolling rolling keep those doggies rolling. Another funny thing for Anne. My driver code with Prime is COOBDA. So instead of Kubota I am Coo bota . Almost every day since I tested out I get a message saying COOBDA you cdl expires Dec 20,2020. I need to get back home before then and get my license changed over. Anything to keep me entertained I guess. More to come ......

Posted:  4 years, 4 months ago

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Wait is over Finally at Prime PSD training

Yes sir same trainer which I am very thankful for. After reading some horror stories I am very happy with mine. You need bathroom or food break just let him know and it happens. Showers every other day pretty much. Now I know Rainy has a sweeter voice but she is a busy girl!! Lol The way my trainer taught backing it immediately made sense to me. My biggest thing is slow down and think it through. His theory is I want to teach you how to fix being in a backing position and know how to make it work cause no backing is the same in the real world. I know you seam to get in some pretty tight spots. I Just need to build on my backing from here out. Thanks Mr Rob


Awesome job! What you experienced with your backing is an added benefit of getting your CDL through Prime. By being out there delivering loads while learning to handle that vehicle you're picking up on much more you don't get in private school. At a private school we were given written instruction how to perform each back. If you missed a step or were off a tad it wouldn't work right. By delivering loads you were docking at all sorts of angles and knew exactly what to do to fix the problem if your setup was off.

Awesome job. Is your PSD trainer going to also be your TNT?

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