Profile For RussianGirl

RussianGirl's Info

  • Location:
    Rutherfordton, NC

  • Driving Status:
    Company Driver In Training

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  • Joined Us:
    4 years, 5 months ago

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Posted:  4 years, 4 months ago

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Struggling to quit smoking

Prescripted medication like Chantix etc.. Nicotine gum or even regular gum - just to get another habit using that if you nervous. Coffee. Try drink a bottle of water instead. Try to eat some protein (jerks for example), it may help.

Posted:  4 years, 4 months ago

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Scared to drive..

Hey) it took the same time for me to get my backing)) and then something just did "click" in my head and I got it) so I did no pull ups for straight and offset backing during my dmv exam and only 1 pull up to get alley dock. Did you start your company training already? How you are filing about that? Starting mine next week. Little bit nervous about driving part. Gonna drive for one week with mentor. Long distance I guess. I drove 10 speed manual in my school but my company's truck will be automatic.

Posted:  4 years, 4 months ago

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Is this a dangerous practice? Feeling some anxiety.

Hey Alex, I totally understand you. I graduated from my school a week ago and starting my training next Monday. 2 weeks class training and then about one week behind the wheel with trainer on the passenger seat. Off course that makes me nervous. Only one week and then Im solo...(( it sounds too short time for me.. And you even have NO ride with mentor.. Just wish you good luck!

Posted:  4 years, 4 months ago

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Scared to drive..

Thanks you Kearsey, I'm finishing my school and already passed my exams a few days ago) My backing skills are pretty good now: straight and offset without pull-ups and alley with 1 or 2 pull-ups. I'm still grinding gears sometimes but I can up- and downshift, fix missing gears, my turns are pretty good as well. I wasn't perfect on my road test and I know my tester just gave me a credit. But im trying to improve my skills every day. I'm not feeling myself like I'm superconfident right now, but I did the most important thing: I have no more fear for the road) And I know, im just started my long-long way. Thanks again for supporting me!

Posted:  4 years, 5 months ago

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Scared to drive..

Thank you Kearsey, I really appreciate your support) I spoke today with my friend, he's an owner-operator in California. He said me the same: calm down, this is normal situation. You paid for the study and you can ask about another instructor, more friendly. I just cannot understand why he's pressing me. I know a few guys in our class have similar problems with shifting. So I'm not alone. I know I'm not stupid and I'll be a good driver. I'll try to train with another instructor, hope I'll feel better.

Posted:  4 years, 5 months ago

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Scared to drive..

Guys, I started my truck driving classes in August. I love to drive my personal car and decided to give myself a chance to get better life opportunity. There are 10 students in our class and only one girl - me. We started range driving on the second day of the class. Our range trucks are old International with manual transmission. I was not good with shifting and my instructor couldnt explain me well how to do that. I couldnt shift gears, I couldn't do backing. After about 10 days behind the wheel I started feel better. I can do shifting, and now I'm doing straight and offset backing perfect while im still not good with alley doking. Bit I got very big problem with road driving. The instructors took us to the road on our fourth day. First time I was so nervous and scared. I could not say I felt comfortable. I wasn't sure about my ability to control my truck cause I knew about truck driving not too much. I didnt know how to stop truck properly, how to start properly, how to turn etc. Yes, the instructors tried to explain some things but not too much. Also they are old men with southern English I can't understand clear. So I have "brake lag")) I have to be told twice and need time to understand and act. You can realize how danger is it while driving. Now I was on the road 5 or 6 times. I'm still doing mistakes, I can't shift gears properly (upshifting, my down shifting is better), I can stall the truck, my instructor yelling at me, making me more nervous. I'm getting more scared every day and now have to push myself to go to the cab((( and it is getting even worster. He puts me into stress every time I have to drive with him. When I can't shift gear (this are different road trucks, both Freightliner) he is grabbing shifter, yelling at me; if im finally doing right I hear his sarcastic "thank you". I feel like hi is angry on me. The more I drive the more I'm getting scared. He said "you are behind the class" and thats truth but Im sure if I wouldnt nervous I could do better! I need to drive more, I have my exam on early October, and I can't. Now I dont know what to do and how to faith with myself to become calm. I don't know what advice I'm asking here for, may be just a few friendly words cause I have no support by my instructor..

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