Profile For Joseph L.

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Posted:  3 years, 6 months ago

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Happy to be alive

A week ago or so Pre dawn hour. Heading down I44. Looking ahead I just see the normal drive lights of other trucks. I check my mirrors and look back up.

For a second my mind started screaming something is wrong. It took me another half second to recognize the danger. A truck in the right hand lane his trailer angles into the burm. He's getting onto the road at a very slow speed no signal lights going.

I managed to swerve into the left lane (thank goodness I was just checking) I traveling along side his trailer I notice maybe a foot or two sperating us.

Half a second more I'd have been inside the guys trailer. I'm positive the grim reaper had stopped in for a chat that day I'm just happy to be alive

Posted:  3 years, 9 months ago

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Another example of U-turn gone wrong.

Oh I wouldn't have done it if it wasn't for day and hour.. Luckily I could see both ways before backing.. That's not always possible

Posted:  3 years, 9 months ago

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Arm pumps

This lol.

I remember getting an arm pump once from a skinny little arm hanging out the rear passenger side window of a four door car as they passed me. I let 'er blow loud and long. Then they stuck their whole head out to grin at me. It was a little old lady that had to be close to ninety years old! She was grinning from ear to ear just to say thanks. People love to hear those air horns - let 'em have a little pleasure in their day!

Posted:  3 years, 9 months ago

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Arm pumps

5 months for my first official one.. And I pulled that horn hard lol.. Remembered what that was like as a kid

My TNT driver has two rules 1. No drugs on the truck 2. Pull that gone when given the signal or get off the truck.

I fallow both still

Posted:  3 years, 9 months ago

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Another example of U-turn gone wrong.

Only way I see it would be what I did this morning.. Turned into a business driveway.. Backed up across the street into the opposite driveway (parking lot) until I could make a slow turn.

To be clear this was at 6 in the morning in a industrial park on a Saturday.. No cars for miles

Delco Dave asks:


Question for you all! I understand true U turns are not permitted. Is a 3 point turn considered a U turn or is that an acceptable procedure to get out of a jam and turn truck around?


What do you consider a 3 point turn? Do you mean one of these? 0529670001624736341.jpg

Only if you can make it outside of a 23+ foot circle near your GOAL. rofl-1.gif

For a semi, that would mean you need to back up on a roadway, sort of like making a 90 alley dock in the middle of a street. This is very much frowned upon, so much so that you might get in more trouble with that backing up than you would with the U-turn. 0719651001624737172.jpg

Posted:  3 years, 9 months ago

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Residential laws

City technically.. No HOA thank goodness

A lot depends on anything from city laws to HOA (Home Owners Association). HOA is the toughest, depending on their rules. For example, I could not change the brakes on my own car in the driveway. I got a letter from the HOA about it.

I assume you are in some suburban community. First find out if there's an HOA for your neighborhood. then check with the city/local planning office that handles zoning.

Posted:  3 years, 9 months ago

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Residential laws

So wondering if anyone knows of any rules about a tractor being parked in residential area..

I got lucky home time bobtail Won't be blocking the road. Going to shut everything off and shut down apu. And no truck restrictions on the street.

I will technically be blocking the side walk but it's common on my street

Posted:  3 years, 10 months ago

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Friday Short Haul - Speed limiters, ATRI research agenda, Pallet shortage

58 and 65 for prime.. Company /lease

Yes! Speed limiters, great idea, that nobody cares about. Most trucks are capped at 65 to 70, unless you're prime then it's 45, so what's the point to all of this. Next they're going to focus on every truck having mirrors.

Now there's a pallet shortage. I give up.

Posted:  3 years, 10 months ago

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Pittsburgh parking

As close as possible maybe a hours drive


Looking for drop yard for rent, truck stop truck parking any place willing to let a truck stay a few days.

Found kingpin parking but all reservations are full anyone know similar places?


You looking for somewhere for hometime or just a spot in general? Also how close to Pittsburgh do you need to be?

Posted:  3 years, 11 months ago

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Urgent question

I was told by logs unless I didn't leave the sleeper at all I had to switch to off duty status. DOT may ask if you spent the entire 34 sleeping according to them and if you said no it's a violation

May I take a 34 hour reset in sleeper berth status or not?

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