Hey all! New to this site. I just past myself road test today! Woo hoo!! Passed pre trip and skills first time but had 3 tests for road. 3rd times the charm I spose! Now time to go get my license and start looking for employers.
I’d love to pick your guys’ brains on getting started in the industry. Tips, tricks, etc. Anything I should buy equipment wise right off the bat, tips for what to look for in employers, recommended employers, what to expect the first year, anything you’d like to pass on to a green, fresh out of school driver lol.
Posted: 4 years, 4 months ago
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Brand new driver seeking wisdom and advice
Hey all! New to this site. I just past myself road test today! Woo hoo!! Passed pre trip and skills first time but had 3 tests for road. 3rd times the charm I spose! Now time to go get my license and start looking for employers.
I’d love to pick your guys’ brains on getting started in the industry. Tips, tricks, etc. Anything I should buy equipment wise right off the bat, tips for what to look for in employers, recommended employers, what to expect the first year, anything you’d like to pass on to a green, fresh out of school driver lol.
Thanks so much in advance!