Corning, NY
Driving Status:
Preparing For School
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Posted: 4 years, 4 months ago
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So I need to upgrade my class B to a class A and both Roehl and CFI have offered to accept me into their schools. CFI will be OTR for 2-3 weeks out and Roehl has regional runs available being home on the weekends. Also Roehl pays you during training. The big question that I have, Is Roehl worth it? I’ve seen some bad reviews of them and I am hesitant to go with them. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Posted: 4 years, 4 months ago
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Roehl or CFI?
Thank you for helping me make that final decision! I know the only time people Go out of their way to put reviews online are when they are negative. So I wanted some real world people to chime in. Thank you!