Phoenix, AZ
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Rookie Solo Driver
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Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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I fix stuff all the time and yes you can as long as you do it properly. lots of times it's about 10% of the time to fix myself and it saves money. a lot of guys refuse to work on a company truck but if the wheels aren't turning I'm not earning
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Backing Exercise - How would you backup to this door?
I havnt had to do this yet but you could have slid all the way forward and if needed released the with tail in pulled up to bring tandem all the way back moving the tractor but leaving trailer in locked tandem then straight backed in
Yeah, tight spot. Looks like it might be easier to blind side it. Fortunately, I very rarely have to do anything like that. But I'm just going to take a guess and say that the thing you didn't do is slide your tandems forward.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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If it's -30 + only use #1 diesel
No some individual comments.
also I was told that if in addition you treat both tanks with anti gel and add 911 in before it gels it won't gel. but both my tanks were treated with both howes and 911 the second time i gelled. also note I didn't gel until it hit actual temp - 40
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Probably the privacy setting on the picture.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Approved Footwear For Trucking - The LAW
I might have been a little grumpy last night. didn't mean to ruffle feathers: )
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Only thing that comes to mind when I read that is "don't bite the hand that feeds you".
if things were that bad you should have professionally moved on without constantly trying to F them, because they ended up f'ing you for not following the rules.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Approved Footwear For Trucking - The LAW
Lol. hey when i hit Wyoming port of entry I'll ask em.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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How do you feel about driver facing cameras?
Wow called in for eating Oreos. geesh. And yes exactly it is their truck you either play by their rules or choose to work elsewhere. I wouldn't work with a cam facing me. I do have a traffic facing cam that is my limit. if the rules got to ridiculous I'd either buy my own truck or go back to being a network engineer.
It's not a matter that the camera is "useless" for the driver. It's the company truck, doing company business. You are a company driver, even as a Lease Owner.
"Useless to the driver"? You know if you have an accident that goes to court, the lawyers (both sides) will take you apart - sleep schedule, pre-trip, paying attention, driver record going back 10 years, maybe even clean underwear. It will be a piece of cake if there is a video of you watching what is going on, and the 4-wheeler being stupid instead of getting drilled on the witness stand about if you were paying attention or not.
Yes, on the other hand, I have been called in for eating Oreos. (The buzz strip alarm went off twice, and triggered the camera.) As for privacy, as ChickieMonster points out, your privacy, your off time, is your time. You do not need the driver side camera. You can cover it. Swift has sent a message that the camera will be reprogrammed to be off when the ignition is off.
You can dislike driver cams, automatic transmissions and crash avoiding brakes. Sorry, you do not own that truck and the company will be covering their assets the best they can.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Home on weekends would largely depend on where you live and your companies freight lanes. some companies depending on your location you could very well be home every weekend and it not affect your paycheck. others you probably won't be home every weekend.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Utah: flatbed truck runs a state snowplow off the road
Glad he's okay. probably is going to have him shook for a while