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Posted: 11 years ago
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So, I may have gotten myself into trouble...
I sent applications to two different companies just to kind of feel around and see if I could even make the cut. Well, as the articles on here have stated, recruiters are very pushy... I haven't agreed to anything at all yet, just asked for all the information to be sent to me, but I have an issue... One company pays more than the other, and the company that pays less already seems kinda shady to me. We will code name them Company A=$ While Company B=Shady. Now, I don't think that B is shady because of the pay thing (I don't expect to make a fortune or anything), but I have read that the terms of their school repayment is three years. The recruiter told me three times that it was only nine months, but also said that she couldn't guarantee anything... I also asked for terms and conditions of the contract I would be entering into and I didn't get it... Company A, I cant get back ahold of to ask the same questions... Im confused, as all I wanted was to know exactly Im getting into before committing to either company, but I cant get what I'm asking for. Am I asking for it the wrong way? Or am I asking too much of them? I don't want to get all the way to a training program only to be locked in for 5 years paying %5000 interest on a loan and not be able to back out once there because the terms weren't made clear. Any help at all about this is really needed.
Also, do they select you after one day? That seems kind of odd to me as well, but I've only ever applied to pharmacies and it usually takes a week or two for them to get back to people.
Posted: 11 years ago
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Considering joining the profession
So, when you first sign on, you don't need your own truck right?
Posted: 11 years ago
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Considering joining the profession
Hello everyone, I want to start off by thanking everyone for taking time to read this and answer my questions. Minor info, I'm 21, have a H.S. Diploma with some college, no criminal convictions.
I was recently "persuaded" to leave my job in healthcare (Pharmacy) and came across an online posting for C.R. England and put in my job application. I have done a lot of research on trucking and it appeals to me because it seems like it would be a very exciting job. Something different than what I have been doing most of my life, and I could drive Optimus Prime! lol Its also a plus that it's entry level. :) Other than my one ticket on my record, I have a clean slate.
1) my main concern before I apply with other companies is this, I have been issued four tickets since 2009, with all but one being dismissed. I put each ticket ( to the best of my memory) on my application. In hindsight, I probably should've had all the info readily available. My problem is, I don't have the tickets that were dismissed because they aren't on my driving record, but they are on my background report (Healthcare demands to know when you sneeze and how much money you have in the bank). So, the questions there come to this: Do I need to list every ticket I received, or only the one that is on my record (speeding less than 5mph) and will that drastically affect my employability? (Two for speeding, under 5 mph, one for rolling a stop, and one for not having my insurance card in the car at the time.)
2) I have read about leasing vs. owning your own vehicle. My question is, I have no credit so far, and can't get loans, so how does that work? Is it like buying a car, or a totally different experience all together? My main concern about this is financial. I don't want to get rolled into something I can't afford.
3) any advice for me as far as applying to different companies would be much appreciated. I live in Oklahoma, but I am willing to relocate. As far as I've read, It's not like I'd be spending too much time here anyways.
Thanks again for any and all advise you have to offer guys!
Posted: 11 years ago
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So, I may have gotten myself into trouble...
Thanks for the help. Makes this process a whole heck of a lot easier!