Profile For Tammy M.

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    4 years, 4 months ago

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Posted:  4 years, 4 months ago

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New Podcast! Episode 17: 12 Tips For Surviving Your Time On The Road With A Trainer

I’m really surprised about this. I went to Trucking School and my instructor quizzed me over and over about this being my first time learning to drive a big rig. He thought I was lying! 😂 He couldn’t believe how well I took to it. So much so that when it came time to take my road test, the semi I was assigned broke down and I took my test in a little dump truck with a 17 foot trailer hooked on! But afterwards, I applied to Stevens Transport and on my School application they seen I reported an accident I was in that resulted in a fatality. It wasn’t my fault and I wasn’t ticketed or anything but for some reason they denied my employment due to insurance liability. Later I learned that I didn’t have to disclose it because it wasn’t DOT reportable. But, because Stevens took about 6 months to deny me, I couldn’t get a job and had to take schooling AGAIN! So this time around I went to SCHNEIDER TRANSPORT. They did fast track me through because of my previous school. They sent me driving around the city a million times and did maneuvers in different parking lots and such. After I was finished, I went Solo, immediately. I never went OTR with a trainer. They put me in a truck with my first load and away I went. I love the trucking life and I’m thinking of getting back in if I can get my boyfriends BP down to regulation requirements. I won’t go out alone again. So, I’m hoping!

Posted:  4 years, 4 months ago

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What do you think are the main obstacles keeping women from entering trucking?

First off....Hi, Ladies! Just joined TT and this is my first post/reply..... I grew up around trucks but never been behind the wheel. I’d been a passenger many times and I always had a blast, being out there on the open road, chatting with drivers on the cb, at truck stops, wherever. I first went on “vacations” with my uncle when I was little, then went out with a boyfriend. It was never a dream of mine to be a trucker. I liked the traveling every now and then but I had a home life and that’s what I always wanted. Well, in 2000, I was involved in an accident that resulted in a fatality. A woman pulled out in front of me and was killed instantly. I, myself, suffered no injuries, at least, not until I ran over to see if I could help her. Believe me, what I saw when I reached her has haunted me every day since. I NEVER wanted to see anything like that again! my unsettled state of mind, I decided to drive the big rig. Why? First, the unprovable theory that the woman committed suicide, because all circumstantial evidence pointed that way and, final, I decided, if I was ever in an accident again, at least then a semi wouldn’t leave behind the horror I had would decimate everything from sight. Yes, it was a very morbid way of thinking, but, I wasn’t thinking straight. I got my CDL and I went OTR and I loved it! No, never got into another accident. But...99% of the male drivers out there are very respectful to the lady drivers. That 1%? After 10 years of driving, 1st-OTR, 2nd- REGIONAL, 3rd- LOCAL, THEN ENDED MY CAREER DOING SEASONAL. That 1% has no business being loose on the open road, ready to degrade and insult any woman they see. Just because she’s solo, doesn’t mean she’s a lot lizard. I’d had enough. So, while some women may be intimidated by the size and power of a semi that prevents them from giving it a try, size and power were the exact reason why I went for it! No one would dare pull out in front of a semi! And vile men were the reason I stopped trucking.

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